XXV. Issues

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(song: your soul by coasts)

"Florence...it's me. I'm your father."

I stare at Alex in disbelief. He's my father? My real, biological father who put me up for adoption when I was born?

"Whoa..." Steve whispered beside me.

"How...how do you know?" I shook my head, refusing to believe it until I knew for a fact it was true. It's not true...is it?

"From the moment I met you, your eyes reminded me of my wife. I shrugged it off, thinking it's possible for other people to have eyes like yours, but it's not possible for you to have the same eyes, the same nose, the same laugh--everything!--and to also have the same name...the one I put on your birth certificate in honor of your mother..." Alex was speaking quietly; it was as if he was trying to confirm it to himself rather than to me.

"Florence, I know it's crazy and random, but I truly believe I am your biological father. We can get tests or something if you want but--" I cut him off with a hug, because I was unsure of what else to do. Was I supposed to be mad? This man abandoned me the minute I was born. Maybe I will be mad later. Right now though, I just wanted to hug him and cry into his shoulder because after 18 years of mostly misery, I finally met my real dad.

"Aw, we're all a family!" Steve chimed in happily and joined the hug. I laughed through my tears and the sound probably wasn't human, but I didn't care. I felt so relieved for once in my life.

We all broke away from the hug and I wiped away the tears on my cheeks.

"Now what about these 'bitter' adoptive parents of yours? Would you rather live with me? I mean, I don't really stay in one place too often but I'm sure your brother has room for you," Alex offered.

"Thanks, but no it's okay. I don't want to be a hassle."

"Ren you're not a hassle! You're my sister! That means I have to do anything for you, even if I don't want to."

"Gee, thanks," I laughed. "No but really, I don't want to have to rely on you. Besides, I figured it out, in just a month I'll have enough money to buy my own place!"

"What about food and furniture and other things?" Alex asked.

"I already saved up enough money for furniture, and enough grocery money to last me at least two months. And, I'll go furniture shopping on Black Friday so I'll hopefully have leftover money anyway."

"Wow, you've really thought this through. I'm proud of you," Alex smiled.

"Thanks," I smiled back. I suddenly got a weird feeling in my stomach, like this whole thing wasn't even real. Here I was, talking to my biological father, in Steve's--my new step-brother's--apartment, about buying my own place to live in a short amount of time. Was today just a dream?

"Hey Ren are you jealous?" Steve asked.

"Of what?"

"I knew your dad way before you did," Steve stuck out his tongue and I slapped his arm.


"Shut up, Steve."

"Steve, that's rude."

"It was just a question, damn," Steve said quietly in his defense. I laughed and gave him a side hug, just because.

"Awww," Steve cooed.

"You ruined it," I said and pulled away.

"No come back!" He reached out for my arm but I pulled it away and stuck my tongue out at him.

Until We Meet Again // H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now