Chapter One

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I look in disgust at the iceberg lettuce and mushy lasagna on my paper plate. I'm new at the corporation, fresh out of college, and I can already tell that this was a huge mistake. Sure, the bosses- two brothers- and the other employees seem nice enough, but this is definitely not my idea of a perfect job. Well-paying, maybe, but not at all fun.

"Can I sit here?" A voice brings me out of my reverie, and I look up to see a young man standing across from me. He has auburn curls, freckles, and sapphire-blue eyes. I nod shyly, and he sits.

"I'm Jay Walker. Nice to meet you." He says. I groan inwardly. Of all the people to approach me on my second week here, it has to be the one that I already know to steer clear of. I've been in only one meeting with him, and didn't recognize him immediately- he's now ditched his black fedora- but even without knowing him I've heard his name. Apparently he's a know-it-all and a jerkface, who brags all the time and rubs up against the bosses.

"I'm Nya. Nya Smith." I say politely. "Nice to meet you too."

"So, you're new here at Ninja Training, huh?"

"Yeah." I admit. Is it that obvious? "Who knew that an athletic training agency needed so many employees?"

"Well, NT is kinda a big thing." He says in mock modesty. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Some of the best athletes in all of Ninjago train here. We help them become as able-bodied as a ninja."

"So that's where the ninja thing came from."

"Yeah. It's kinda dumb to be honest. But wouldn't it be cool if we actually were ninja? Like, fighting evil bad guys and stuff? You and me, and all of them I guess." He gestures around the cafeteria.

I nod, but inside I'm annoyed at his immaturity. Me, a ninja? Ha. I'm more likely to find a genie in a bottle.

"I'm guessing this job isn't exactly your idea of a dream career?" Jay is saying.

"Not really." That's true at least.

"What is your dream job?"

I pause for a moment, then decide to answer truthfully. "I think I'd like to be an aeronautical engineer."

"I'd be an inventor." He says, surprising me. You wouldn't think it to look at him. On the outside he's all businessman.

We exchange small talk for a few more minutes until it's time to go back to work. Then I set off briskly in the direction of my cubicle, burying myself in work for the rest of the day.

At 7:00 pm, I gather my things and head to the elevator. Just as the doors are about to close, a voice calls, "Wait for me!" I sigh when I see Jay sprinting towards me, holding his fedora on. I stick my foot in the doors just in time, and he joins me in the metal box.

"Sorry." He says, out of breath.

"It's okay." I lie. Just when I thought today couldn't get any worse, it did. If only it was the end of the week, but it's a stupid Monday...

We stand in awkward silence for another long moment until the elevator dings and the doors open.

"Ladies first." Jay gestures to the open doors, and I exit, with him at my heels. "See you later."

"See you later." I echo.


I walk to the bus stop, and check my phone as I wait for the bus. It's dark out, and the November wind is cold. Then I see a text from my brother.

Wanna come over for dinner? Sky and I are getting pizza :)

Just what I need to cheer me up. And how can I turn down the offer of warm pizza with my brother and his girlfriend (who also happens to be my best friend), when the alternative is instant miso soup by myself?

Sure :) I text back.

Gr8! Come over asap

K, I'll be on the next bus. Sys!

Luckily, the bus to my brother's apartment comes in a matter of minutes, and I get on and find a seat, loosening my scarf slightly as I adjust to the welcome warmth. The ride is short, and soon I'm taking the elevator again, this time up to Kai and Skylor's apartment. I barely get a chance to knock before my brother and his girlfriend whisk me inside. In no time at all I've shed my scarf, woolen military-style coat, and fuzzy gloves, as well as my oxfords.

"Oh, Nya, did you come here right from work?" Skylor asks when she sees my suit. "It's nearly seven fifteen!"

"You know, they call it a nine-to-five job for a reason, sis." My brother adds, rather unhelpfully.

"I know, but... I just had so much work to do! It's only my second week, and I need to keep up with the workload." I try to dig myself out.

"You were always a stubborn little overachiever." Kai grumbles, and I roll my eyes.

"Hey, do you wanna borrow some of my clothes? They might be a bit big, but I wouldn't want you getting your work clothes all dirty." Skylor offers.

"Sure." I say, and follow her into the bedroom. She rummages around in her closet, trying to find something small enough. After all, I'm only 5'3 and she's 5'8.

Finally Skylor finds a cropped fuzzy sweater, a t-shirt, and some sweatpants. All of which are slightly long and baggy on me, but I don't care. They're a million times more comfortable than my suit. I tell her all about my day, including lunch with- that idiot. She listens attentively and gives me a hug.

"Men will always try to charm you or get in your way. But you can't let them."

She should know. She's a business owner herself.

"Thanks." I say with a sigh.

"Anytime. Now let's go get some of that pizza before Kai eats it all!"


After dinner, I stay and talk to my brother and best friend, enjoying a cup of mint tea that does a lot to brighten my spirits, even as it gets darker and stormier outside. Finally, I get up.

"Thank you for inviting me over." I hug Kai. "But I have to get home now or I'm gonna be late to work tomorrow." I hug Skylor too, and gather my stuff.

"Oh, I'm still wearing your clothes." I realize.

"Aw, it's fine. You can give them back next time." My friend answers.

"Oh, that reminds me." My brother says. "We're getting dinner at Sky's restaurant Friday evening at six, if you want to come."

"I wouldn't want to encroach on your night out-"

"No, we'd love it if you came. We're together every night, after all." Skylor says.

"Ok, thank you. I'll be there." I'm already out the door when my brother calls out one more thing.

"Oh, and Nya? Bring a date Friday, or I'm signing you up for"

Ninja Training, Inc. [Ninjago Jaya AU]Where stories live. Discover now