Chapter Four

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A/N: First off, I'm SO sorry that I haven't updated in so long! I've been a bit busy with another book I plan to share on here soon. Also, I'm not much good at writing tension... But I hope you guys like it (if any of you are still checking this in hopes that I'd post again 😬)

Also, to address some mean stuff Jay says in this chapter, I want to say that he doesn't mean to be sexist, he just has had some bad experiences before... Hopefully everyone's backstories will become clear to you guys soon-ish.

Sorry this chapter is so short! I will publish the next one as soon as I can.


By the time Skylor and I get back to the table, the food has arrived. The two guys are chatting rather awkwardly, and as we sit down, Kai asks Skylor something about the plate warmer. I'm slightly confused, but I can't focus on that. I have other problems.

I reach out to take a pair of chopsticks from the center of the table, and my hand brushes Jay's as he does the same, causing me to blush involuntarily. I can barely resist stealing a glance at his face. Does he realize I am only using him to please my brother?

I hope not.

But that's selfish, and I'll have to put it out of my mind. Better if he hates me now, it's not like I have any chance with him anyways.

Do I even want a chance with him?

Ugh, this whole thing is so confusing!

We take the rest of the meal mostly in silence. Kai, Jay, and Skylor make feeble attempts at small talk a few times, but I'm too nervous to talk, and we're all focused on our food, so we can't seem to keep a running conversation. After we eat, I stand.

"I should probably go. I need to get some rest this weekend." Maybe it's a frail excuse, but I don't know if I can stand to be here anymore. The silence and the awkward mood are suffocating.

"I'll take you home." Jay says too quickly, too emotionlessly.

I nod. We say our goodbyes, he doesn't offer his hand. Then we head out to his car in silence.


I remain calm as Nya and I enter the restaurant. I remain calm as we eat, even try to make conversation. I remain calm as I walk her to my car, and get in beside her. Then I practically explode.

"Do you have ANY idea how embarrassing that was for me?!" I burst out.

"I-" She tries to say something, and I know I should probably listen, but I'm not done yet.

"Of course you don't! Women are all the same! No emotions, just pulling on people's heartstrings for no reason at all!" I can feel my face flushing hot. "You know, I might've actually liked  you, for all you know! I might've wanted to be your friend! Lucky thing I didn't!"

But I did- I do.

"Well, I guess it worked out for us, then!" Nya's voice rises, her face red as well, in a stark contrast to her dark hair and suit. "I don't need a man in my life, and I never will. Good. Night!"

Then she gets back out of the car, slams the door, and stalks off into the night at a brisk pace.

I sit in silence for a few moments, staring into the darkness, half-hoping Nya will come back. But I know she won't. She has too much pride for that. So I start the engine, hoping to drive away before her friend comes out and finds me here alone.

As I pull out of the lot and pass the front of the restaurant, I see her open the door and stand silhouetted in the doorway, her red hair blowing in the wind, a worried look on her face.

I don't stop.

I lower my head and drive faster.


I walk all the way home, the angry adrenaline fueling my steps. I'm a mess, sobbing and shaking with anger, guilt, regret. It's a miracle I can find my way home through the tears and darkness clouding my vision. But I do. I unlock the door to my apartment, bar it behind me, and flop on my bed.

My phone rings- probably Skylor. I don't think she saw me storm off, but she's my best friend- she probably knew something was wrong. God, I hope she didn't tell Kai.

When I don't answer, the stupid thing rings again, and again, and again- then starts dinging with texts. I silence it, stuff it in a drawer, then bury my face in my pillow, sobbing even harder.

Eventually, I cry myself to sleep.

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