Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Whew, another chapter! I'm trying my best to keep on top of things!

I realized that the timing of this book is a little confusing due to the time skips and different povs, so although I don't usually like to pinpoint a year when it comes to fanfic, I decided the following:

This book takes place in 2019-2020, with no pandemic of course. This makes some sense to me because I have a headcanon that Nya was 14-15 in the first few seasons (in 2011) so she'd be in her early 20's. The first chapter takes place around this time of year (mid November) in 2019. The first time Skylor visits Jay is Monday, December 2nd 2019, and the second time is Friday, December 6th. The beginning of this chapter is Monday, December 9th 2019.

Ok, now on to the story!


"Here," Jay reaches over me to crank up the half-open window. His arm brushes my chest, and he pulls it back quickly as we both blush. "Sorry."

"It's fine. I can do it." I turn my attention to cranking the little handle, closing us inside the snug little car. I'm glad for something to do, and an excuse to turn my flaming face away from him.

Neither of us says anything, until Jay clears his throat, breaking the awkward silence.

"So, what is it you wanted to ask me?"

"You go first."

"Uhm." He blushes again and turns away. "Never mind. It's not important."

"But it was part of the deal!" I object. Not that I really care about the deal, I already wish I hadn't made it, but now that I'm here I'm curious about what he wanted to tell me.

"What's your address?" He carefully changes the subject.

"Here." We both reach for the GPS keypad at the same moment, and our hands touch, causing me to blush even more. 

What's wrong with me?

"Sorry. You do it. I should probably, you know, focus on driving." Jay chuckles nervously, and goes back to driving. I key in my address.

"There." I say, and he glances at the screen for directions. "Now tell me, please, it was part of the deal."

He sighs, and his freckled nose reddens. "I-" He starts, then stops again and turns away. "Never mind."


"I-" He tries again, staring straight ahead. "I- Nya, I don't want to force you into anything, I just- I want you to know that I'd love you to be on my team." I blush even harder when I realize what he's accidentally said, and look away from him, but not before I notice that he's doing the same.

"I mean, I would really like it, if you were on my team. That's what I mean." Jay's words come in a rush. "But it doesn't matter."

"No! I-" I want to agree, but I know I can't promise, not now. "I'll consider it, I swear. I can't decide now, not because I don't want to, but because-"

"I get it. It's a lot. And... us..."

"We're..." I hesitate awkwardly. "We're fine. Cool, that is. Okay?"


"No, really. I promise." I hold out my hand as we pull in front of my building. Shyly, he shakes it, sending the flutters up my arm and straight to my heart again. I pull my hand away, embarrassed, open the car door and get out.

"Thank you." I remember to say, staring at my feet. Then I turn quickly and hurry inside, bending against the snow, which only increases as the night continues.

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