Chapter Five

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That night, something in me breaks. I fear I'll never be truly unbroken again. But somehow I pick up the pieces and put myself back together. I'm not the same, though. Not the same as before. This version of me is After-Nya, a flimsy copy of Before-Nya.

Now I see the world as if all the color is gone from it, muted to shades of gray. I go to work and force myself to eat, occasionally see my brother and Skylor. I'm careful, though, careful to never let myself be alone with my best friend. I know she can see through my cheery facade. I never answer my phone except for business calls, and bury myself in work so I'm busy all the time. I skip lunch and hide in the back at meetings. But Mr. Walker keeps his distance- even if I was trying to see him, I get the feeling it wouldn't be easy.

I hope he feels horrible for hurting me like this. But I doubt he sees my brokenness. I hide it as well as I can, guard this painful secret with my life. I don't know how he managed to hurt me so- I've always been strong through breakups and everything else life has to throw at me (which is a lot)- but deep down, I know it must be my fault.

My fault, my fault, my fault.


I try to forget that night, and the horrible things I said. But I can't. I know I have to make this right, but how? Maybe it's better just to ignore her. It's not like she makes it hard anyways. I can tell she's trying to avoid me. So why not give her what she wants? It's easier for both of us that way.

But there's a little voice in the back of my mind, a whisper of a conscience reminding me that I will never forget this. I will never forget her. I'll spend the rest of my life wondering what would've happened if I'd just been brave for once in my life.

But being brave is hard. And I don't know if I can survive heartbreak again. I've made a new life for myself, a new image, and I can't ruin it. I just can't.

But like it or not, my fate must already be intertwined with Nya's. Because three weeks later, I'm in a private meeting with Mr. G, my boss.

"Mr. Walker, I'd like to talk to you about assigning a new member to your team. You've been in need of another Junior Consultant for quite some time, yes?"

I nod. "Yes, sir. Who did you have in mind?"

He clears his throat. "One of our new initiates, in fact. At the moment she works in the advertisement department, but I believe her skills are wasted there. And as we have no need for another Head of Advertisement, and anyways I am not entirely sure that that is the right path for her, my brother and I decided to test her out as a Junior Consultant."

I nod again, wondering who it could be. Generally I don't pay much attention to the Department of Advertisement, as my communications with them are limited. "Who is it?"

"I don't know if you two have been formally introduced." Mr G. considers it for a moment before going on.

"Her name is Miss Smith."

I swear I can feel my heart plummet into my stomach. I just stare at Mr. G. in shock. How is fate this twisted? Why did it have to be her?

"Mr. Walker? Are you alright?" Mr. G. asks. "Do you feel this is a bad decision?"

"I-" I clear my throat, struggling to find the words. "It's just... You're talking about Nya Smith, right?"

"Yes. She has displayed an exemplary work ethic this past month. I know she is new to the company, but as our youngest Senior Consultant, wouldn't it be a great opportunity to have the youngest Junior Consultant on your team? I believe she has the potential to become a truly exceptional Senior Consultant some day as well."

I know I need to say something, but what? He has no idea how monumental of a decision this is for me, but I can't stay silent forever, or even ask to contemplate the matter further, because, one, he doesn't have time for that, and two, he'll soon ask if something is up.

Finally, I decide what to do. We should leave it up to Nya to decide. Make it clear that either decision has its pros and cons. Sure, maybe trusting her judgement was partially what started this whole mess, but it's the only thing I can think of. The most important thing to me is that she doesn't feel uncomfortable with whatever choice is made.

"I see." I take a deep breath. "Perhaps we should leave it up to Miss Smith to decide."

Mr. G. nods. "Of course. You can explain the situation to her, and give her the choice whether or not to accept the promotion."

I nod numbly.

What have I gotten myself into?

A/N: This is, again, really short! Mostly just Jay and Nya feeling sorry for themselves. The next part will probably be a lot of complicated feelings as well, but we'll get to Jaya... Eventually... 

Also... Any ideas on who the bosses might be? *eyebrow raise*

Oh! And if you're still reading this, thank you SO MUCH. All of you mean a lot to me!

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