Chapter Nineteen

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I. Asked. Her. Out!

I still can't believe it, and I feel like I'm dreaming as I watch her skip away towards the bus stop. And honestly, I feel like doing the same thing. Instead, I try to walk in a mostly-civilized way around the side of the building to my car. And fail, of course. Luckily, no one's there to see me.

I get in my car and crank up the heater to full blast. Then I just sit there for a few minutes, trying to process everything that just happened. I try to calm myself down, reminding myself that maybe she just said yes to be nice. Maybe-

But no. I've got to stop doing that to myself. I saw how happy she was, with my own eyes. And she gave me her number! I look at the messy numbers on my hand, and quickly key them into my phone, creating a new contact. Because unlike Skylor's number, I know for a fact that I want to call this one. I text her a quick hello so she has my number, too. I want to say more, but maybe that would seem too forward. I guess I shouldn't take any chances.

Instead, I pull out onto the road and drive towards home. As soon as I get inside, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up as quick as lightning, hoping it's Nya, but instead I see that it's Skylor. What could she want with me now? Then I realize that she probably hates me because of the Christmas party misunderstanding.

Cautiously, I press the "answer" button.

"What do you want now?"

"Merry Christmas to you too." She says sarcastically. "I don't want anything from you in particular, other than a boyfriend for my-"

"Yeah, I know. I've taken care of that." I say it before thinking, and then wish immediately that I hadn't. She's silent for a moment, and I think she's probably in shock.

"Wait- WHAT?"

"It's not what it sounds like!" I try to backtrack. "I mean, obviously she's not my girlfriend, and I don't think she wants that right now-"

"That's what you think."

"But we made up. Again. I think."

"Well, darn it."

"What?" Could girls be more confusing? "I thought you'd be-"

"Excited? I am, but I was going to yell at you if you hadn't made up with her yet." She says matter-of-factly.

"And you were looking forward to that?"

"Well, it would've been fun, but this is much better. Now I get to tell you what to do for your first date."

"Date?" I'm not ready to think about it that way. But I can't deny that I did ask her out.

"Of course. She's your girlfriend now-"

"She isn't."

"Let me text her."

"NO!" I say, louder than intended.

I can hear her grin in the way she talks. "Well. You care to tell me then?"

"We just exchanged phone numbers, that's all. And maybe we'll hang out tomorrow. Who knows."

"I do! I know exactly what you should do!" Skylor sounds way too excited. "Actually, I want to hear your ideas first."

"Um. I don't know what girls like! I don't have the money to take her to a nice restaurant, or anything like that..."

"Well, you don't need to do anything fancy. She's not that kind of girl. Just invite her over, take a walk in the snow, feed her. It's as easy as that."

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