Chapter Fifteen

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The next few days are a blur of things I don't understand. Meetings, assignments, calls and emails, both to the communications department and to clients directly. And, as I expected, trying to stay focused.

I'm feeling a bit guilty for not telling Kai and Skylor much about my promotion. I only hint at its importance, and don't give too many details in case Jay told Sky about it before. I hope he didn't, but I need to be careful.

At least now I have someone I can trust and talk to- Pixal. Mr. Pale and Miss Durvish seem nice enough, but I never really get a chance to talk to them. They both appear to be rather standoffish, and usually keep to themselves. A couple times, Mr. Pale does help me with something, although that may be just because Jay asked all of them to.

Pixal, however, has gone way beyond the begrudging helpfulness I initially expected. We hit it off almost instantly, and are well on our way to becoming good friends, I think. Of course, I can't talk to her like I can Sky, and we don't see each other outside of work, but she's a wonderful person. It's not very easy for me to let new people into my heart, but I'm working on it. I need practice, because there's someone else my heart desperately wants to open for. But of course, my brain won't let it.

My first three days as a Junior Consultant are a whirlwind of things to do and say. And I do it all while trying to please Jay. And Mr. Wu and Mr. Garmadon, of course. But that's obvious. Isn't it?

On Thursday, as Pixal and I are walking back from lunch, she points to the bulletin board, where a festive poster hangs. "Hey, are you coming to the holiday party tomorrow?"

I think I got an email about that a while ago, but I totally forgot about it. "I don't know. Are you going?"

"Of course I am! Last year's was really fun. There's food and drinks, and most people come. You have to be there!"

"I guess. What time is it again?"

"It starts right after work. I think it's from five to eight."

"Well, I'm not doing anything else. Why not?" I agree. If it'll make her that happy, I guess I should go at least for a little while.

"Wonderful! Remember to bring a gift for Mr. Walker."

"Is that required?" Maybe I shouldn't go after all. I just don't have enough spare money to buy gifts for lots of people, and even if I only get them for my team I don't know if I can afford it.

"No, presents are optional. But I'm sure he'd appreciate it." Pixal raises her eyebrows at me, but I don't understand why.

"Are you getting him anything?" I ask her instead.

"I don't know. I'm going shopping tonight, so if I see something I'll probably get it."

"If you're not even sure if you'll buy him a present, why's it so important that I do?"

"Because he'll appreciate it more if it's from you, obviously." She says, giving me an innocent smile.

"Why would he? You can buy something better, I'm sure."

Pixal sighs. "Nya, stop being so dense! Isn't it obvious?"

"What? What's obvious?"

"He likes you, of course!" She hisses, exasperated, as we enter the empty elevator.

"Why does everyone say that?" She sounds just like Sky.

"Because it's true! He's terrible at hiding it, too. It's pretty adorable. Didn't you ever notice how he acts differently around you?"

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