Chapter Fifteen

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I rub my hand down my face for what feels like the hundredth time. The sun was just beginning to rise in the window behind the side of my bed.
Marley sleeping form taking barely up any space in the queen sized bed. She had kicked the blankets off her in one of her many nightmares, my chest a ached each time she woke up sobbing.
It's the first I've ever seen her look so broken, I contemplating going out to find her house to get her a joint but I didn't want to leave her alone. At some point I must've dosed off because when I woke to check on her she had my leather jacket tucked under her head like a pillow.

Rising from my place on the floor beside, I stretch and reach popping my muscles. I gently pull the blanket back over her exposed legs, looking at her hair sprawled across my bed. She snored lightly with one arm throw over her head, in short, she was a wild sleeper.

Making my way to the kitchen, I flick on the coffee pot wondering what Marley usually eats for breakfast. She never ate the school food and I've only ever seen her ingest snacks, it makes me wondering if asking her out to dinner would be easier since she hardly eats or more difficult because she hardly eats.

"You're going to sprout hair as gray as your eyes if you keep thinking that hard." A sweet sleepy voice grumbles from behind me. I turn and can't help the small smile that slides it's way onto my face, my shirt pretty much swallowed everything but her legs.

"Thinking about you does that to me." She shakes her head while smiling softly at my small joke. Climbing into the same barstool she sat in yesterday.
"Did you sleep okay?" I know she didn't but I wanted to keep talking. To keep her comfortable with me.

"It was okay. Your place is nice." She compliments.
"I thought you lived next door though." She mumbled the last part more to herself but I answer the question swirling in her eyes.

"My father lives next door. I just spend the night there some times." She nods before grabbing a apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table. Inspecting it for a few minutes before frowning and putting it back.
"Do you have anything unhealthy." I chuckle at her and shake my head.
"No not really. But I'll get some for when you come."
A small smirk appears on her face, "who says I'm coming back?" I mirror her smirk.
"Trust me, you'll be back."
"We'll see pretty boy."


"Careful Caesar, someone might mistake this for a date." The way my name flows from her tongue makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. Still clothed in my shirt she tied a knot in the back of and her jeans from yesterday, we had made our way to Benji's for some brunch.

Benji's was popular amongst out peers so I wasn't surprised to see a few familiar faces. I peer over to Marely as she looks at me with amusement dancing in her honey orbs. "So what if they do?" I shrug, seeming cool and casual but I was analyzing her reaction. I was perfectly fine with this being a date.

Marely was obviously very attractive but beyond that she was confident, self aware. The few classes we did share together, that she would show up to, she never participated but her work was always done and turned in on time. I don't even think she noticed I or any of our friends are in the class. Marely was the type of girl you needed to pay attention to, too see how she cared, how gentle she was. But you needed to get close and that sometimes meant getting the harder side of her.

I watch as her face splits into an actual grin, full straight white teeth on display and shimmering amber eyes. The sight literally takes my breath away, this was the first time I had ever seen her truly smile. Not the fake closed eyed smile she'd give sarcastically, the smile she was giving me made two dimples appear on each side of her cheeks.

"I guess that wouldn't be so bad." A loud laugh jumps from me and it brings the attention of some people but I don't care, I'm too wrapped up In the brightness suddenly radiating like warmth from Marely.

"Oh please, I am the whole package." I seem joking but I truly wanted too see if I want the type Marely would go for. Hell, even if I wasn't I was still going to damn well try. Her eyes scan any part of my body she can see. "You, Ruiz, are a definite something." She smiles softly and leans back into the booth, putting a spoonful of the ice cream she insisted on having.

"I could say the same, Mason." This time I'm shocked how hard she laughs, she throws her head back and her hair falls with it like a tundral forest.

"Inez." She's looking me directly in the eye, there's intense emotion swirling in them. Like she was giving me the answer to all life's mysteries. I pause for a moment, thinking over.


The name rolls over in my head, she must take note of the confusion on my face because she finally elaborates.

"My name Caesar, I don't like it myself. But it's mine, and if you really mean it about these dates and your place. You should at least know my name." She talks lowly and doesn't really look at me, my forehead instead and I know she's embarrassed but she still found it to say it.

It's my turn to give her a genuine grin back. If I was a cartoon character my heart would be thumping three feet from my chest and I'd have big doe eyes drooling at the goddess before me. Constantly trusting me with parts of herself she didn't give to anybody else, she gave me her name. Just like she gave me her story last night, but I still didn't look at her any different. We all had demons and it will only be a matter of time before she slays hers.

"I never got the chance to tell you last night, but I think you are so very strong to keep going. I was in unbearable pain everyday without my mom. I can only imagine the weight of yours." She looks to the table but I want her to see the emotion in my eyes as I say that, so I reach over the table and our empty dishes to tilt her chin up. "However, I don't look at you any different. You are not to blame for anything that happened that night, it falls on that drunk driver. And if you need time to heal before we can move this," I gesture to the space between us, "Into more than just maybe dates. If you would allow me to, I would like to be more than just your friend, Inez." Unshed tears start to build in her eyes and I start to think i've done something wrong.

"You're such an idiot." She chuckles and shakes her head but gently grabs my hand that was holding her gaze to my own. "But thank you." She whispers and I could've melted into a puddle right there.

I. MarleyWhere stories live. Discover now