Chapter Forty Seven

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"I am so happy to be done with that place!" Someone yells as we all burst through the doors into the scorching sunlight.
My blood is humming, electricity cackling though me with a rush. My hair is straight And moves easily under my cap, a white dress under my now open gown as I rushed through the crowd with my diploma clutched tightly in my grasp, my sandals slapping against the concrete.
The tassel was very sentimental but with it waving back and forth in my line of view I only wanted to snatch it off.
I squint into the crowd, "Marley! Congratulations!" Peter grabs me up in a big hug and I return it with just as much force. Feeling on top of the world and when I look over to Ellis in her own cap and gown I know she feels the same.
Graduation was a rush I was glad to be over. Especially after all the hype for prom to be a bust. Caesar hated his suit and I hated wearing heels so we ditched for tacos and sex, of course with protection, in his truck. It wasn't prom king and queen but I was more that satisfied that night.

"Congratulations baby!" I squeal as familiar string arms wrap around my torso and pull me flush against his chest. Looking up into the sunlight I'm greeted with shining grey eyes with his tassel hanging in the way.
"Congratulations yourself." I smile and kiss his lips before we are both stumbling a little as West throws his arms around us. "Let's party!" I scream in delight as we all but Arial who is still a junior throw our caps up one last time before rushing to Caesars truck.
I can hear Peter and Ellen yelling at us to be careful as they gather out caps off the grass.


"Let's dance."
"No thanks." I grunt and roll my eyes at Danny. You'd think after being punched in the face and throat a year ago and nothing since he'd get the hit but oddly enough he'd grown the balls since then.
We were at a party that one of Caesars teammates threw for graduation but there was so many of them I couldn't keep track of names. West and Caesar had disappeared into the backyard and I was with them with Ellis and Max but I needed a drink. Thus how Danny was able to trap me in the kitchen.
"Oh come on, it's been like a year. Water under the bridge?" I shrug.
"Sure." I watch as his face lights up and I frown stiffly. "Doesn't mean I'm going to dance with you." He rolls his eyes.
"Do you really think he's going to stick around after this? High schools over Marley, might as well have fun before the world war is knocking down your door tomorrow." His words spike my anger, not because they were true because he was yet again another person who felt the need to voice their opinions on Caesars and I's relationship. I go to tell him off but I'm stopped, Caesar himself standing behind the boy chuckling darkly.
Sipping my drink I step out of the cross fire, going to stand by West who came in with Caesar.
"This isn't going to end well." I whisper just as Danny turns and sees a fuming Caesar. The kitchen fills quickly at the sudden tension in the air.
"What I can't seem to understand." Caesars tone is dark and bubbling with rage. "Is people's obsession with what I do with my woman. And if you feel so strongly about it Danny, say it to me." He spits with venom as he squares eye to eye with Danny.
It's wrong but My lady bits clench.

"I just sa-"
"That woman belongs to me, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life. Question it again and I'll fuck you up." Caesar finish as he wraps his hand in mine, tugging me towards the front door and I follow quietly. Still sensing the anger rolling off him in waves. Once we get back out the beaming sun I tug him to a stop and he lets me.
"Hey, everything you said in there was true. Why are you angry?" I cup his cheek, trying to stop the raging anger building up inside him.
"Because, everyone expect me to leave you." The way he says it makes my heart stop, with such sadness and void as if he believed it but not entirely. I squint.
"Do you think I'm going to leave you?" I whisper, his head falling is and silence is enough. "I'm not going anywhere Caesar, you're stuck with me. I promise." I flash my promise ring at him and he chuckles softly at my antics.
Ever since he gave me the ring I've been over the moon, it was heavy so I knew it was expensive and it only added to my imaginary marriage with him. But I'm not sure how imaginary it was going to be, my stuff was back at Ellen's packed away to be moved to Caesars apartment to figure out our next step from there.
"I know. I'm sorry for being stupid." He murmurs and kisses my forehead. I sigh and rub his chest before gesturing to my car, Ellen and Peter did get me a car but it was also equip with safety features like automatic stop and even had a camera to help em maneuver parking. I felt extremely safe and it help that Caesar always rode with me, arrest we had to practice short trips but now I was driving fine. If I felt anxious I'd call Caesar on the hands free feature and he'd talk til I got where I needed to be.

"Let's go home." I whisper kissing his large hands as we pull off into traffic. From the corner of my eye I can see Caesar smiling softly with that look in his eyes. It feels me with warmth each time and makes goosebumps rise on my skin. I was smitten over this man. That's for damn sure.

I. MarleyWhere stories live. Discover now