Chapter Thirty Four

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"I went to apologize but she was already asleep." I pass the ball to Max who does a cross over move before passing to West who is standing in the paint.
"It's not going to be that easy man. You threw her out." West rolled his eyes. He was still sore about it but once we got to school this morning they all confronted me about what happened at my locker.
The words had just flew out of my mouth and I couldn't take them back, I just wanted her to be safe and Felip was someone who stomped down everything in his path. I couldn't let Marley be collateral damage to his psychotic ways.
"Shut up. I was just trying to keep her safe, but I couldn't see straight when I see Felip grabbing her." I clench my fist at the memory and Max and West come to a stop.
We had parted from the rest of the team to go over some plays before the big game in a few days. Although Marley was asleep when I initially apologized, I plan to show her how sorry I was when she felt better. If she couldn't make it to the game or didn't want to I don't blame her, but I still hoped she come deep down.

"Maybe explain that, she's not a mind reader. Marley of all people will understand where you're coming from. Ellis said even though she talked about her brother and father, she still isn't able to drive a car on her own." Max words stun me, I had never really questioned it. She was always riding with someone or walking, never driving her self but I just assumed she didn't have a car yet but the Ryan's were loaded.
Ellis has had two cars in the past three years.
"I'm such a dick." I groan out loud, wanting to punch myself. Did I break her trust? I only hoped I am able to fix this.

"That you are, but hey, she put up with you the first time. She might give you a second chance." West encourages and I chuckle softly but his words bring me some hope.
Practice comes to an end with a few sprints and I quickly shower and bolt from the locker room.
Heading to the grocery store I grab her favorites.
Cheetos, KitKats, Cookies and Cream Ice cream and some chicken noodle soup. Some orange juice and water to keep her hydrated as well.
The cashier rings me up and I gather all the bags up before heading in the direction of Marley's house. I only hope her parents don't turn me around at the door.

Surprisingly there's no cars in the drive way. Not even Ellis's and school ended a few hours ago, using the Ryan's house key they leave in the plant next to the door I let myself in and shut the door gently behind me.
The house is pretty quiet and a part of me hopes Marley is still sleep so I don't have to dace her just her but of course Luck is not on my side.
She sitting up against some pillows staring at the Tv playoff Finding Nemo. I smile at her before rasping my knuckles against the door gently. She turns slowly from her movie and coughs when she realizes it's me.
She seems to panic slightly and rushes to put a bowl of soup aside that I hadn't notice in her lap before, going to stand up I quickly rush to set the bags down on her bed and push her back down gently with my arms.
"No, you don't have to get up." She looks up and nods slowly before settling back under the covers. She shivers and I step back shedding my jacket that still has the cold from outside on it.
"I brought you some resources." I joke lightly and smile when she laughs softly.
"Thank you, that soup has been cold for hours but I can't get up." Her voice is raspy and strained. Guilt eats me alive as I look down.
"Marley I- I'm so sorry for what I did. I was just so worried that, that" I swallow thickly but she doesn't speak, she waits patiently for me to continue her eyes don't show anger or hatred only warmth and a certain type of tired.
"That if you got too close, you'd end up like my mom. He, he used to get so angry and just, i- I was so small back then." The tears that have been threatening to fall since I seen his iron grip on Marley's delicate skin finally fall.
"Hey, hey. It's okay. You're not a little boy anymore Caesar, if it wasn't for you I would've probably had more than a few scrapes that day." I tense at her words but immediately relax into her touch as her warm hands caress my cheek.
"I couldn't understand before. But I do now, I probably would've reacted the same. But you really hurt my feelings when you threw me out of your apartment Caesar." She whispers the last part lowly, looking down at her fingers. My heart clenched and I brush under her chin for her gaze to meet mine.
"I promise you, I will never do anything like that again. I would rather swallow glass first." Relief floods through me as she rewards be with her dimpled smile.
"I'm gonna hold you to that, idiot." She slaps my chest gently and I have never been more happy to be insulted. As long as it's by my woman.

"Let me go make you some fresh soup. Need to make sure you feel better soon, baby." She hums in response a small smile still playing on her lips as I take the bowl and soup can and ice cream from the bags before leaving her room.
"Make sure you drink some fluids!" I call as I descend the stairs. I hear a faint 'whatever Ruiz.' Before I slip into the kitchen.
A goofy grin plastered across my face.

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