Chapter Twenty Four

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Marley is looking at the news article but she's not really reading it. Tears fall onto the paper leaving big fat wet spots and my heart aches for her, her face isn't her usual stoic or even the rare smile she blesses us with.
She looked absolutely broken. Her usual bright amber eyes are filled with tears that silently slide down her face, her entire body is tensed and rigid.
"Marley." I try gently. She doesn't even flinch. I glance at Ellis who has a hand over her mouth in shock as her eyes fling over the horrible words. Max holds her close as she trembles.
"Marley-" My words absolutely die in my throat. What could I say? Every one of her secrets were printed and handed out to our entire school. To the very people she didn't want probing in her business, she looked defeated, tired, and then a look of anger washes over her features.
"Did you know about this? Did any of you know she was going to do this?" She is seething, eyes narrowed until slits and she's pinning her look on Max, West and I. I immediately kill any suspicion that I may have something to do with this, every secret Marley have ever told me has stayed here with me.

"No I would never, Everything we've ever discussed stayed between us." I sigh relieved when her gaze softens slightly to me, but her glare is on West now.
He looks embarrassed, angry that his cousin would do something so horrible. She had been on the journalist club since she got here and her stories were always popular. But this was way too far.

"Marley I swear, I had no idea what Izzy was up to. I knew she had a crush on Caesar but I- I never would have thought.." he trails not seeming what to say.
What do you say to someone whose entire life has just been printed for the world to see. Marley drops her head as more tears fall, hugging herself as she drops the paper in her hands. Looking at the people staring at her, I shoot them all a glare before pulling my girl into my arms.
Where she collapses almost as if she fell asleep but her silent sobs make her entire body tremble.
"I'm going to call my mom, can you take her some where quiet." Ellis is wiping away her own tears as she glances around the people staring, by now we've all created a somewhat shield for Marley, I nod without questing. Already planning on taking her as from her as I can.
"I'm so sorry she did this Marley, I'm going to call mom. She's gonna fix this." Ellis runs a soothing hand against Marley's back and she only nods into my chest. Fisting my shirt tightly like she's living through the accident all over again, that thought alone makes me pull her closer, tighter.
Max and Ellis rush off towards the office, I scoop her up into my arms and with West making a way through the crowd with a single glare we make it out to my truck.
"I'm going to let coach know what's going on." He mutters while typing fiercely on his phone. Tossing him my car keys I climb into the back seat with Marley who has shown as sign of detaching herself from me anytime soon. She only clutches my shirt tighter as a sob wracks her body, I rub soothing circles on her back whispering sweet words into her hair but I know it's not working and that breaks my heart.


"Should we call someone?" West hasn't stopped pacing. I can't blame him, he obviously cared for Marley like a sister and she has told me many times he reminds her of her brother. Their friendship was definitely one of a kind and I can only imagine the guilt he's feeling right now.

As soon as we got to my apartment Marley went into my room, she showered and changed into a pair of my boxers and a shirt before declaring she was tired. She's been laying in my bed but when I got check on her, she's only staring wide eyed at the wall. Silent tears streaming like an unstoppable waterfall.

"I don't know, what did Ellis say?" I rise from my spot on the couch, running my hands through my hair.
"She said Ellen is on her way to come see Marley and Peter is at the school now." I nod, hoping Ellen can bring her some peace.
Another silent twenty minutes drifts by before there's a swift knock on the door. I quickly open it and Ellen is standing there with tear filled eyes. Alex and Ellis standing behind her.
"Is she alright?" She ask as I step aside letting them in, I sigh. "She hasn't said a word since we left the school. She did shower and laid down but nothing since." I whisper feeling absolutely helpless.
"May I?" Ellen nods her head to the door and I nod before she goes to the closed door. Slipping in before shutting it softly behind her.
My friends and I all collapse into chairs at my island and I only lean against the counter, wishing I had the ability to bring Marley the peace she needed right now.

"I have never seen her look so hurt." Ellis whispers like she can still see Marley tear stained face, I know I can. I had never seen my girl cry and now she was having a full on break down.

"What is your aunt going to do about Izzy?" Alex ask the one question everyone seemed to have but not want to speak on.
West sighs defeated.
"No clue. My aunt isn't answering her phone and my mom is so caught up at the hospital she, like me, had no clue what Izzy was doing. I'm really sorry she did this Ellis." Ellis only nods, granite she hadn't met her half brother, he was still her brother she lost and not to mention the secrets of her mother that were exposed in the article.

"What do you think they are talking about in there?" Alex whispers after an hour of waiting.
Ellis sighs.
"It's a conversation they've been needing to have for a long time."

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