Chapter Thirty

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Things weren't so bad. Despite my bitchy mood, and sadness as my thoughts constantly drifted to the grey eyes that seemed to pull me in every time but these days I wasn't seeing much of Caesar.
I spent the rest of break smoking and hiding out in my room, I couldn't find it in me to cry because I just couldn't for the life of me figure out what I had done wrong.
Every part in my being screams nothing and that Caesar is just being an asshole but why should I have to sit around moping because he couldn't seem to get his head out of his ass.
A throat clearing forces me back to reality and I look to Mr. Greg, he sighs softly, it was the first day back after break and I was immediately called into his office.
"Before break started this was brought to my attention." He places the stupid article down gently and looks at me sadly. I just look at him with a dead expression, what was I supposed to say?
"I want you to know I as well as the school counselor Ms. Adams are here for you. As for Izzy, it is still behind discussed among the school board on how to approach this, until then she is attending classes regularly and I expect you to do the same." The news brings a slight light to my mood in hopes I could finally put Izzy in her place. She has been MIA all break and I wasn't going to hunt her down and disrespect West mothers house. But school was different.
"I was also made aware that you have not been attending your afternoon classes." The conversation then takes a different tone and I wince slightly. Waiting for whatever punishment he dishes but he only deflates like he's literally torn.
"I understand, I lost both my parents in the middle of junior year. I kind of gave up but someone gave me a chance, and I want to pass that onto you Marley. If you promise to attend all of your classes as well as participate in the upcoming school play. I will not mark your seemingly perfect record or call your mom."
I frown but nod, anything was better than staying at home stuck in my thoughts.
"Great, you can head straight to the auditorium after your last class. Spend your free periods with the teacher, get to know some of your classmates. Trust me you'll thank me one day." He winks before shooing me out his office after writing a note for my teacher. Sighing I trend my way to English, not ready to encounter Caesar.
It was so different when we were together, we sat next to each other in class. And I had quite a few with him that I hadn't even realized, as well as West and the others.
West had demanded to know why I was at some sketchy store in the middle of the night when they were sure I left with Caesar. I of course shrugged him off but I knew he knew more than I was letting on.
Walking into the class I had the teacher my note before slipping into an open desk on the other side of the room from where I usually sit. I can feel Caesar staring bullets into the side of my face and it takes everything in me not to look back. The teacher drones on about MLA format and how disappointed she was in our recent essays but I couldn't focus, I had gotten a 98 on my essay anyways.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I glance up to see the teacher scribbling on the board before pulling it out.

West- still not spilling the beans huh?
Marley- there's nothing to spill west. Leave me alone.

I turn to glare at West, having to see Caesar since they sit beside each other. West is mirroring my glare and from my side I can see Caesar glowering at me, his gaze is heated and filled with anger.
I quickly turn in my seat and pray for the day to go by faster. Thankfully the bell sounds above us and I beeline for the front door before the bell even stops.
Not bothering to stop at my locker I head to my next class, thankfully it only has Ellis and Alex.

They're both sitting in the back splitting a bag of chips, "Hey there buttercup." Alex smiles and I collapse into the seat between them and put my head into the desk groaning out loud.
"What's wrong?" Ellis voice is soft and filled with concern and I find myself grateful to actually have a sister to talk about boys with. That was about the only thing I couldn't do with Mile and dad.
"I have to participate in the schools production and.." I trail off as the tears that I had been holding in all morning suddenly prick my eyes and before I know it I'm crying into Ellis's shoulder.
I'm sure both her and Alex are stunned but they work quickly to excuse us all from class before we slip into the empty hallway.
Putting my back to the cool metal of the locker I slid down onto my butt and they follow, Ellis still allowing me to rest my head on her shoulder while Alex rest on mine from the other side.
I've never had this before, a group of girl friends that I genuinely cared about and they cared about me. I didn't know how to feel when I found out I had a sister, I believed Ellen was just trying to replace me but I've come to love having a sister and having Alex as a best friend was a bonus to it all. And I could use the both of them right now.
I take a deep breath as I recall the events of a few days ago, keeping certain details of Caesars dad to myself. Just because someone exposed my secrets in anger, didn't mean I have too.
After a few more fry breaks and hugs, sniffles and tissue I felt like a lot of the weight in my chest was lifted. However Alex and Ellis seems royally pissed.
"What an ass!"
"Seriously how could he do that." I sniffle and chuckle dryly.
"Thanks guys but I'm okay, I really didn't do anything wrong so, his loss I guess." Although I don't really believe the words Alex and Ellis pull me into another embrace.
"Damn right." Ellis murmurs and I chuckle again.

I. MarleyWhere stories live. Discover now