Chapter Forty One

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"When I first lost my mom and moved out. I did a lot of sleeping around, Crystal became sort of an outlet. I'm not proud of it because I know my mom would've wanted me to do better. Eventually I grew tired of it all and wanted to break it off but Crystal didn't, it took a year for her to get the hint and leave me alone. I don't think West really remembers, we were all really young and I kept a lot of my life private back then." I pause waiting for Marley's reaction.
We haven't moved from our bed but we did shift so she was laying on my chest with her leg thrown over my waist. My hand buried in her hair and the other rubbing soothing patterns on her back.
It's a pregnant silence before she finally did react.
Suddenly sitting up her amber eyes that got lighter in the winter pinned me with an intense gaze.
"You're mine Caesar." She murmurs before pecking me quickly. I was stunned she wasn't pissed, or disgusted with my past.
I watch quietly as she starts pulling items out of her duffel.
"So, you're not mad?" She looks at me for a moment before chuckling.
"No, I trust you." Relief from stress I've felt the moment I saw Crystal melts from my body.
Marley heads towards the door, not before throwing over her shoulder. "Also, I'll kick her ass!" Shaking my head I throw myself back onto the soft mattress.
And, For the billionth time since We've been together, wonder how in the world I got so lucky to call someone as Enthralling as Marley mine.


"Stop! You're going to break it!" Confused, I reluctantly follow my girlfriends irritated voice to the kitchen.
The sight would have been comical. Would have.
Had West fact wasn't firmly pressed into Marley's breast, but in all fairness she did have him in a headlock.
"What is going on?" They ignore me as Marley continues her assault onto West. Ellis chimes up from the island snickering.
"Well Marley wanted to make s'mores and then West wanted to start the fireplace. Then they started bickering over The Who got to use the fire starter first and now we're here." Rolling my eyes I easily pull Marley away from West. Not before she threw a swift kick to his shin.
"Aha!" She exclaimed in delight, turning in my arms so I can gaze at her victorious face fully.
"I got it! Help me make s'mores?" I chuckle and peck her pout before glancing out the window to the snow slowly falling.
"Only if we do it inside at the fire place." She grin and happily skips towards the living room past a West who was wheezing in pain.
"I don't see why she had to kick me, either way she was getting her s'mores." I shrug lazily.
"She's an independent woman. Anyways, I say we pop in a horror movie for the first night. Marley and I bought plenty of frozen pizza." Ellis grabs said pizzas from the now stocked freezer. Max pulling drinks and snacks from the cabinets, "I will get the movie from the hall closet." West announces before leaving out the kitchen and I follow going to Marley and I's room.
I was already dressed for the night in sweats and a tank top, I tank our cover off the bed and a pillow before heading to the living room where Marley was sitting, scowling at an unlit fire pit. I wrap our blanket around her and she snuggles into it gratefully before turning her scowl back in front of her.
She looked adorable with all her supplies, graham crackers, Chocolate and the really big marshmallows. We had taken a walk earlier and she smoked so i know she had the munchies. It didn't bother me that Marley smoked, it was actually quite cute her hooded red eyes and her baby demeanor.
I also knew she sometimes smoked to escape, we all did things to escape so who was I to judge?

"What's wrong baby?" I get comfortable behind her, stretching out my long legs in front of us as she sit Cross leg in my lap. Leaning her back against my chest, brings me all the warmth I need.
"The stupid fire won't start. Can I use your lighter?" She grinned and held up a bottle of lighter fluid I didn't see before, shaking it eagerly a small amount of liquid splashed around in the bottle.
"No, you will blow us all up. Let me show you." I gently pry the lighter fluid from her grasp and she pours but lets me before grabbing both her hands and assisting her in how to do use the fire starter properly.
And sure enough we get a fire going.
"We did it!" She squeals excitedly and it brings me a sense of happiness I've never felt before seeing her eyes so wide with excitement and her dimples pop deeply with her childish grin.
"Here try one." She's suddenly pressing a warm s'mores to my lips and I don't break eye contact as I bite into the warm goodness. The fire projects a warm light onto her olive skin but I don't miss the light pink that dust her cheeks.
"So good." I compliment and steal a chocolatey kiss before I help her finish making plenty for herself and the others we settle into a far corner on the couch closest to the window Marley was marveling out the window at the snow falling. A far away look in her eyes but it was sad or full of despair like it usually was so I let her reminisce.

"Ugh! I can't not watch another horror movie." Crystal groans from the makeshift bed on the floor West had made them.
"Then close your eyes." Marley snapped the same time Ellis offered,
"We can watch something else."
It's always funny having to remind myself they're actually sisters, considering the polar opposites.
"Whatever. How about we watch The Fault In Our Stars." Crystals swoons and I can already feel myself falling asleep to the movie, thankfully my girl has good taste.
"How bout no. Let's watch Fast and Furious." She counters and she immediately hash support along with Max and West. Ellis just gets more comfortable, pleased with any decision while Crystal scowls at the screen. However I'm too entranced at the the beauty sneakily slide her hands into my boxers.

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