Chapter 1; Kiss Goodnight

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Kaoru wrapped his arms around his sister carefully. She was shaking. Carla had just woken up, and she was still tired because of the pain meds which made her more emotional. Kaoru knew she was on the brink of bursting out in tears. "Call me when you get there, okay?" Kaoru said and he kissed the top of her head.

"Will you let me call you every evening?" she whispered back.
"Of course."

He wanted to make a joke but he didn't know how she would react on it so he stayed quiet. Kaoru let her go and gave Kiriko a quick hug.
"Take care of her."

They got into the car and Kaoru watched them drive off into the sunset. The rain had stopped though there were still dark clouds but with the sun peeking through them it was a beautiful sight, Kaoru stayed watching longer than he intended.

"Come on." Pantu had walked out to where Kaoru was and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's time, i called Oka and he wants to meet you tonight." Pantu said, Kaoru nodded at him.

Kaoru loaded his stuff into Pantu's black, shining car and then he sat down in the passenger seat. He quickly strapped a gun to his thigh just to be sure. Once he was seated Pantu drove deeper into the city. Kaoru wasn't familiar with the part of town where they finally stopped driving.

"Is it okay for me to go in there like this?" Kaoru questioned, Kaoru didn't necessarily look 'bad' but usually people expected you to wear a suit.

"You're fine. I explained in little words what happened, Oka understands." Pantu responded and he led him inside. Kaoru left his bags in the car, he'll get them later.

As they entered the building they were in some sort of big lounge, where there were several people seated, drinking. There even was a bar. They didn't attract much attention, though Kaoru knew the people were watching them in the corner of their eyes.

"Do you go here often?" Kaoru asked Pantu as they climbed the stairs with ease.
"Not much, but sometimes yes."
Finally they were on the top floor. There was one door which was being guarded by a man who was lazily leaning against the wall. He straightened up once he saw them. "Names please?" he grumbled.
"Pantu, Oka knows we're coming."

The man's eyes widened and he bowed at Pantu. "Of course, go in." Kaoru raised an eyebrow at the sudden politeness.
The man opened the door for them and Kaoru and Pantu went inside. There were several people who looked up and only a few reached for their guns, Kaoru noticed.

A green haired man stood up, he was broad and he had a friendly smile on his face. Kaoru noticed that his top buttons were undone, has he forgotten them or was he doing that on purpose?
"Hello and welcome."
Kaoru realised that must be Oka but Kaoru stayed quiet.

"Kojiro Nanjo, good to see you." Pantu greeted and he reached a hand for the green haired man that apparently wasn't Oka. Kojiro shook Pantu's hand.

"And who's the beautiful person you brought?" Kojiro said as he scanned Kaoru. Kaoru rolled his eyes he was used to dealing with guys who thought he was a girl, though Kojiro did say person and not girl. "I'm Kaoru Sakurayashiki." Kaoru said, Kojiro's expression didn't change.

Kaoru regretted not wearing his suit at least he wouldn't have been so out of place. "Pantu." A man said from a door, that Kaoru just noticed. Kaoru looked up at him and knew that this, in fact, was Oka.

Pantu walked up to the stranger and shook his hand. "Long time no see and thank you for responding so fast." Pantu flashed Oka a smile.

"And this must be Kaoru Sakurayashiki." Oka looked at Kaoru, who was still standing next to Kojiro. "Yes sir." Kaoru bowed to Oka.

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