Chapter 2; On My Own

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Not soon after Kaoru had walked to a nearby coffee shop for breakfast, he received a text.
Ready when you are
Kaoru didn't text back but he made his way back to the building while sipping on his coffee and eating his bagel. He saw Kojiro waiting against a car, his arms crossed. Kaoru also noticed the girls, and even some guys, that passed Kojiro, gazing at him.

Kaoru walked up to him and once Kojiro saw him he straightened. "I wanna say sorry fo--"
"There's nothing to say sorry for. I had the feeling you were underestimating me and I hate that." Kojiro opened the car door for Kaoru. Kaoru glared at him, "I have long hair yes, but I'm not a girl, don't treat me like one." Kaoru said and he pushed Kojiro's hand away.

"I'm not doing this because i think you look like a girl, I'm doing this because i want to."
"Well, don't." Kaoru grumbled.

The car right was short and silent which Kaoru was happy about, he didn't know if he could handle any more conversations. Though he did have some questions.

"What are we supposed to do with the businesses that betrayed Sia la Luce for S?"
Kaoru thought it was a stupid question he thought he knew.
"Shoot one of the employees, preferably the boss as a warning."

Kaoru wasn't necessarily thrilled to be shooting people though he didn't mind. It was part of his job, but he wasn't sure if punishing people like this was absolutely inevitable.

The first stop was a grocery store. They got out and Kojiro led the way inside. There weren't any customers inside luckily, so Kaoru locked the door behind them and switched the open sign to closed. The man behind the car straightened.

He knew who they were, "You're from Sia la Luce." he stuttered.
"Well obviously." Kojiro said.
"Now let's make it easy for us and tell me what the S guys wanted."

The man was dead after the conversation.

Kaoru shook his head as they walked back to the car. "Oh come on, he deserved it." Kojiro said as he noticed Kaoru shaking his head.

"True but you could have just shot him once in the head, instead you let him suffer by shooting him first in the legs." Kaoru wasn't upset by the death, the guy did deserve it. He was just annoyed and tired

"Next time you shoot then."

Luckily the other businesses were better than the first one. Most of them stayed loyal to Sia la luce, luckily. At the end of the day though, they weren't even over that half of the list.

"Tomorrow same time?"
"I guess so." Kaoru answered as he got out of the car. "Come eat dinner with me and the other's." Kojiro offered.

"I got things to do actually."
"Please, Langa is actually a pretty good cook and Reki texted me to ask you to join us."
"I really have things to do." Kaoru also didn't know if he wanted to spend that much time with the other's, he didnt really know them yet.

"Please, you can work while you eat with us." Kojiro looked at Kaoru with big pleading eyes and somehow Kaoru couldn't say no. "Fine let me atleast get my laptop."

They went inside the apartment building and Kojiro followed Kaoru.
Kaoru let them in once they were on his floor and Kaoru grabbed his laptop. Kojiro looked around the apartment, "You haven't done anything yet," he noticed the suitcase open in the livingroom. "You haven't even unpacked." he stated.

"I didn't have the time for it yet." Kaoru replied, "Now stop judging me and lead us to where we're eating." Kaoru demanded. He still wasn't sure if he hated Kojiro or not. From what Kaoru knew now he kind of hated him.

Kojiro was cocky and annoying. He tried his best to annoy Kaoru in anyway he could, for example calling him Cherry when Kaoru had said to not call him that.

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