Chapter 6; The Kill

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"What about this?" Miya said, he typed in something. He was right, the screen lit up green and there loaded an new page.

Miya read through it, "I don't know anymore, it's like everytime i pass one security, i get to another one." Miya leaned back and crossed his arms frustrated.
"But let's sum up what we know." Kaoru said. Miya started,
"We know Adam is planning an gathering to sell something, we just need to figure out where and when."

"That's already vital information." Kaoru confirmed, "I just wished we could get someone who knew these stuff."
Kaoru shrugged, "Someone could try to seduce Adam and steal the information." he joked.

Miya laughed slightly, "Not happening." Kaoru didn't know if he actually caught the joke as that is what Adam did to him.

There was a knock on the door, "It's open!" Kaoru yelled back, Kojiro opened the door, "Hey."
"Joe, please take a look at this." Miya said, Joe walked to the two of them and leaned over Kaoru's shoulder to look at the screen. Kaoru sucked in a breath and tried to calm down his heart as Kojiro's hair tickled his neck..

"Nice laptop screen." Joe stated seriously, Miya rolled his eyes. "Forgot you didn't understand hacking."
"We all have our own strengths mine is fighting and in the field, yours is hacking." Joe straightened up.
"Alrighty then." Miya said, he leaned back and stretched his arms.

Kaoru turned around to look at Kojiro. "What did Oka want from you?" Kaoru asked curiously.

"Oh right. The two of us have an important mission to do tomorrow. Nothing dangerous just a diplomatic mission." Kojiro explained. "Good to know, but shouldn't i have been there for the meeting though?"

"Nah i didn't want to wake you up, you seemed like you were sleeping really well and you needed it aft--"
"I don't need to know." Miya cut in and he covered his ears. Kaoru couldn't help but laugh at him.

"But seriously, you guys finally confessed or something? I need to know, I have a bet with Langa and I'm gonna win if y'all say yes now." Miya said as he removed his hands and looked at them eagerly. Kaoru and Kojiro shared a look. They hadn't really talked about anything yet. Kojiro had said he liked Kaoru but Kaoru hadn't said anything back, though it was obvious the feeling was mutual.

"Oh shit, i just made it awkward." Miya leaned on his hands with a sly smirk. He was actually enjoying this. "No- god i guess i confessed yes?" Kojiro stammered. "The feeling is obviously mutual." Kaoru mumbled and touched a hand to his face embarrassed. Why did they have to talk about it like this? With Miya present?

"There's your answer." Kojiro said, he put his hands on his hips. "Okay okay, i know that look, I'll leave." Miya said, he gathered his things. "Thanks for the help Cherry." Miya looked at the two of them one more time then left.

Kojiro sat down on the chair Miya had just left. Kaoru felt a hand on his knee and looked up. "Well that was awkward." Kojiro said with a slight laugh. Kaoru nodded and put his hand on top of Kojiro's, tangling their fingers together. "So you like me?" Kojiro asked carefully.

Kaoru rolled his eyes, "Of course idiot, why else would i have had sex with you?"
Kojiro smiled, "Drunk maybe?"
"No, i was definitely drunk but i wanted it too." Kojiro beamed at him.
"You're weird." Kaoru stated, he untangled his fingers from Kojiro's and grabbed the front of his suit.

"But apparently you like me, what does that say about?"
"Just shut up." Kaoru pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips touched for barely a second but it was just as amazing as the night before.

"It's some weird ass magic thing, kissing you." Kojiro joked as they pulled back. Kaoru pushed him away gently. "I'll never understand how your head works."

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