Ch14 Ancestors

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Hey guys I'm sorry for making you wait this long, I'm now too caught up in my new work, rarely having the time to write. Guess the new chapter will be out once in 1 or 1.5 week instead of twice. Please enjoy the story.

Not much later of your conversation with Jimin in the car, you two arrived to his village.
While you quickly fixed your hair and make up in the mirror, Jimin managed to get out and opened the door from your side, silently asking you out.

"Thank you." You smile sweetly, as you leave the car. "But I'm more than able to open the door myself." You knew he meant nothing wrong, but you never liked seeming weak. Especially in front of man.
Your words made Jimin tilt his head while looking at you. Walking closer he almost pinned you to the car. You could feel his warm breath on your ear as he whispered.

"I'm sure that you are capable of much more, but this is neither the right time nor the place, to find it out." Moving away he smirks winking and with the words "follow me", heads to the forest, leaving you standing there frustrated and with wide opened eyes.
*Very well Mr Park* you think biting your lip *one point to you.* and head after Jimin silently, thinking of a revenge plan.

You thought that you would get deeper into the forest but Jimin stopped on it's edge, where a group of young individuals were chatting with each other.

Getting closer you see familiar faces. One of them spotting you waved his hand smiling brightly. You waved back with a welcoming smile forming on your lips, walking faster to approach them.

"Good to see you again Y/n" Taehyung says shaking your hand.
"We missed you, it's much more interesting with you here." Jungkook adds
"Hey leave her alone, Y/n was my friend way earlier than she became yours, I should be the one to greet her first." Laura appeared behind the two males and hugged you tight. You chuckle at her cute behavior.
"I missed you all too guys and happy to see you again." You turned your gaze and saw Jimin greeting other villagers. It didn't pass your eyes how among those villager were mostly young girls. *So he flirts with everyone, you shouldn't think that you are special.*

You didn't realize how long you were looking at Jimin when Tarhyung's deep voice got you out of your thoughts.

"Mad that your knight got someone else's attention?" He wanted to tease you, and probably was successful, as you exclaimed.
"What?" You ask startled probably way louder than needed, your reaction making the three friends laugh.
"Hey don't make fun of me." You say with a fake angry tone, hitting Taehyung on his shoulder lightly.
"I honestly didn't think you'd have such reaction." He takes your hands in his to stop you from hitting him. He didn't feel pain, but was afraid that you'd hurt yourself.
"Yah! Let me go you anime character." You try to bite his hand that was holding yours and was near your head, but Taehyung quickly understood your intentions and jerked his hand away in a second.
"Yoooo no biting with your tiny teeth."
"Be a man and let me hit you properly." You say only making the people around you laugh more. You knew that your words wouldn't hurt Taehyung. Because he himself knew that you didn't mean it and also wanted to tease him a little.
"Oh don't worry I can do it for you." Jungkook says hitting Taehyung on his back, but not painfully.
"Yaaaaah!" The older male exclaims angered "No hitting your hyung." And already he starts hitting the younger one.

Too caught up in you little fight, you failed to notice one particular pair of eyes that was looking at you three with immense jealousy. They say wolves are very possessive of their other half. But it is nothing compared to an Alpha wolf possessiveness.

Probably if it was someone else and not his childhood friends Jimin would have already stepped in. But repeating in his mind something like * It is Taehyung, my friend, my brother.* over and over again, he managed to stay calm. Humans were not used to such strong feelings and behaviors. Jimin didn't want to act like a caveman in front of the only girl in the world he wanted to impress and make his forever. So he had to be careful, take slow steps, without scaring her off. Jimin had to be patient. He waited for so many years, and could certainly wait a bit longer. Though it was really hard as his mate was only some meters away from him. If only she was a werewolf too, she'd already be carrying his mark. But she was human and it needed time for her to accept his world.
Not that he was complaining, the second he saw her in the forest, even with fear evident in her eyes he knew he was gone. He would do anything she wanted him to the seconds the words would leave her beautiful pink lips.

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