Chapter 1- An Escape Plan

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The intergalactic drug trade had been roaring throughout the 40's and 50's of the twentieth century after the death of the first Earthling wizard, Jesus Christ, until the core alliance of police officers from a planet called Slivo decided to crack down on their jurisdiction.

Secro plagued the streets, and every youth was trying it. The mission became saving children from their unnaturally caused deaths. The immediate effects of secro weren't the cause— the hallucinations and withdrawals were.

Secro was cited by scientists as the most dangerous drug to ever be introduced to the market. If the immediate side effects such as heavy sweating, grandiosity in thought, a heightened heart rate, and paranoia, amongst many other lesser common side effects didn't kill the user, the hallucinations that came during the withdrawal stage could. The drug was particularly dangerous for those with undeveloped brains.

In one reported case, one child stole a spacecraft and flew to one of the many moons on his planet. He left the spacecraft without wearing his breather. Under the impression he could withstand roughly sixty billion times the pressure and live... he was immediately vaporized.

These were the exact cases the police force of Slivo were attempting to eliminate. They have developed an acronym: A.W.E.B. (Always Wear Extra Breathers.) Without breathers, intergalactic travel would have never occurred.

Each set of lungs were adapted for their own planet only and mistaking your home planet for another could be costly, usually resulting in death, but many planets did have sister planets in which the inhabitants could freely remove their breathers. While the makeup of the atmosphere of sister planets were not exactly the same, they were deemed livable by scientists around the galaxy.

Intergalactic law prohibited the travel in and out of the Milky Way galaxy for the purpose of studying its inhabitants, but some brave, or stupid, enough disobeyed the laws and have been smuggling humans for the past thousands of years for scientific purposes.

They were weak; they didn't even have flarp sacks to convert unbreathable air into oxygen. They stood no chance in galaxies far more dangerous than their own, but one human girl who had been sold into slavery thought of becoming a pilot in the Urdan Army one day. Her name was Gia Grey, and she was being sold to a Bulba racing ring as a reproduction unit.

For years, Gia had been saving up to buy herself all her rights back. She lived on a planet called Gigar, a sister planet to Earth, where she had seen the effects of a plethora of different drugs.

Gigar was a supplier planet. They were rich in nutrients and chemicals to make nearly every compound imaginable. This was where Gia had been earning her money. At night, she would sneak out of the stables during their sleeping hours and work for a couple street merchants. The stables were only a few miles away from the closest city, an intergalactic hub for the drug trade, and Gia was a natural saleswoman.

The price tag set around her head was 10,000 quifnaf, the equivalent of 45,000 Universal Space Dollars. Humans didn't come cheap to anyone who wanted them. While they weren't the strongest species, they certainly were the most fertile, so for those with reproductive needs, they would often pay the price.

The trafficking of both drugs and humans was highly illegal in all galaxies, except one. This galaxy was known as the Midlands. It sat in the very center of universe and had no laws, not any police force was brave enough to go into the desolate lands. Gangsters ruled.

The winds were too harsh for anyone's cheeks, the sun too hot. No man could withstand the pressure without a full space suit to protect them, but those with money and bad intentions always found a way to get to the single planet in the Midlands.

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