Chapter 17- Escaping Heaven

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Unable to adjust to being a goddess and truly make an impact on the universe, the goddess of beauty would start planning an escape from the endless land she walked on without tiring, without getting hungry, without getting thirsty.

She walked for what felt like millennia, but only two seconds had passed on the universe, and Adelaide was still in danger. She wasn't being tortured, and she was being groomed for sexual activity.

Estella tried to help her. She conjured storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, yet it wasn't enough. Weeks of universe time went by, and Adelaide was sold to Viche to procure himself a spot back into the Triwizards.

            Estella yelled loud enough for the entire universe to experience a jolt, but most were unaware of her presence. Then Estella tuned into someone who was praying to her. She listened to the prayers, and she infiltrated her mind.

            Through her time on the universe, she knew there was a type of link created by the power of thought. It was the same way Isabella could come back through her lost omnicor. Assuming she could infiltrate the mind of the Herthling farmer who was praying for a good crop yield, she tried to take control over his body, and she did it. But the man was older in human terms, so she wouldn't have much time to try to really help.

Once Estella Porter was now Kingsley Koman. She felt bad that Kingsley wouldn't be able to live out the rest of his life and truly experience it, but she didn't really care— her daughter was in Gigar.

            As a passenger in Kingsley's body, Estella tried to use her skill of apparition, but it didn't work. She quickly learned she was limited to his abilities, which was a bad sign, because Estella was struggling for breath after walking half a mile. Kingsley was a smoker, and he clearly didn't put an emphasis on working out over the course of his seventy years of living.

            He was poor, too. Estella didn't think this through. She would need to find a way to make enough money to travel to a different planet... so she sold one of his vital organs to a team of neodoctors.

            With enough money to afford an expensive trip to Gigar, she traveled there and went to the mines, where she knew she could make a commotion. While she was limited by Kingsley's life choices, she retained her dexterity and ability with weapons. On Gigar, she bought a nuclear bow, then waited at the mines for men to show up.

The slaves were being forced into the mines to mine for two different materials: jigsnak and a lesser expensive material that was common on Gigar, gold. While many slavers had a reward system for slaves that found impressive specimens, Garfnard only had penalties. Estella was as reckless with Kingsley's body as she was with her own. She should've cared more if he lived or died, but she just wanted answers.

While inside Kingsley's mind, she determined she couldn't act for him. She could alter his thoughts, but ultimately, he chose his actions. All Estella could do was make suggestions.

            He killed one of Garfnard's men to gain his attention. Then he killed another and another. But Garfnard didn't send reinforcements like she would have expected. He killed all twenty of the men guarding the mines, which liberated hundreds of slaves. It wasn't her intended purpose there, but they all thanked her as they ran out and all headed in different directions. Only those who went west would survive and live freely.

Estella did the same thing at the next mining location, but she unintentionally saved hundreds more. She let them know it was Estella Porter, goddess of beauty, that saved them. She liked that she saved so many slaves, but she was trying to gain audience with Garfnard.

            Over the course of the next few months, she liberated every single mine on Gigar, but Garfnard reacted silently. Millions of slaves found their peace, whether it be freedom or death.

            Estella was stumped. She thought Garfnard would be upset or at least frustrated at losing all his slaves on Gigar. Estella thought of Gia, and she tuned into her afterlife for a brief nanosecond. Gia had found the peace she deserved. Estella thought— if Garfnard wasn't bothered by losing slaves, what was his main focus now?

            Pondering the question, she thought of billions of explanations, but her omnipotence wasn't as powerful when she was possessing a living being. Estella's host had a heart attack and died. She was taken back to the land of the gods and would have to wait for another opportunity to infiltrate someone, but there was a bright side. She now knew exactly where to find Garfnard. But she couldn't bear to watch what was happening to Adelaide already.

            Estella went to Musica. She wanted to know how to create miracles. But Musica insisted she do it for her, "I want my daughter to escape slavery," Estella blindly stated aloud, despite the fact all gods and goddesses could communicate both past and present without seeing each other. The symbolism upon existing in physical form in the abundance of light, abundance of white, would make Estella feel as if her suggestion were more valid, and as Musica knew seeing her physical form meant a great deal to Estella, she appeared before her right as she was needed.

Musica blankly looked at her and said, "no."

            "What?" Estella shouted loud enough to create an earthquake on Earth.

            "It means I will not," she mocked.

            "I know what no means. I meant what why," Estella fussed.

            "She will escape," Musica informed.

            "In twenty years, I know," Estella reminded her she had omnipotence, too, "but that's not good enough," Estella said as she conjured a desk to pound on.

            "I made a mistake in choosing you," Musica mourned, "I thought I saw something in the rarity of the Spirit Stalker, so few have ever existed in the fourteen billion years since I created this universe."

            "Gods don't make mistakes," Estella argued.

            "You do," Musica argued.

            "Then send me back," Estella pounded on the desk she conjured to showcase her frustration. "Put me back into my body and let me start from there."

            "No," Musica denied.

            "Why this time?" Estella scolded.

            "You aren't deserving of another life," Musica stated. "You have belittled your planet and caused many innocent people to die."

            "Put me back where I belong," Estella's frustration was growing.

            "Your place is here now," Musica said as she disappeared.

            Estella felt like she was given a complicated task without the training to do it. All of the other gods seemed to effortlessly go about creating miracles. And they seemed content. Estella was not content, she was unhappy as a goddess. She yearned for much more than omnipotence. She yearned for life, even at the expense of losing her powers.

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