Chapter 28- Sensing her Mother

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Having completed her academy training, Adelaide was free to do whatever she liked, but she would need a job. Sateron suggested she move back to Hertha to find work, and she agreed to leave if he would leave with her.

"Come with me!" Adelaide provoked.

Adelaide never made too many friends nor was she invested in Vreen, which is where Sateron decided she should do her schooling, so she wanted to move back to her home country to become a professor of magic like her mother.

Adelaide, deemed an adult by Vreen standards, had spent two years of her youth working a job to pay for her post graduate education. But she hadn't yet enrolled in college. She was a bright person. She made good grades and had good test scores, which meant her options of colleges were left wide open.

Sateron, who hadn't yet remarried, "okay, I'll come with you," agreed somewhat reluctantly.

He wanted to find an immortal being to share his life with, felt it was time for him to return to Hertha as well. Most species weren't immortal. There were only three major species known for their immortality: elves, vampires, and thranes.

But Sateron refused to marry a thrane. He couldn't get passed their strange looks. Thranes were the only creature with immortality that didn't appear human. Sateron was also iffy about marrying a vampire. Vampires could be almost half of the species on the planet, which left a wide variety of how they could look, but Sateron didn't like that they had great limitations.

He wanted to marry an elfish woman this time. He defied his parents' wishes with his fifth marriage to Estella. Despite her being immortal, they warned him he should only marry elves, despite the fact they, at first, practically forced him to marry Estella, but he didn't listen to his parents, and it proved to be a good decision for a long time.

They packed their entire apartment into the ship over the next few weeks, sold it to one of Sateron's friends who was a real estate broker, and used the money Estella left them to start searching for apartments and houses in Valley of Queens.

Travel time to get to Hertha from a few planets over was almost incalculably small compared to other trips. But Adelaide would use the time to start searching for jobs in her field. While she somehow didn't possess the trait of magic, she knew everything about it and how to teach it. So this would force her to become an expert on the material she would need to know as an instructor.

Adelaide hardly knew Estella, but she would have asked thousands of questions about her mother in her time with Sateron. She learned that Estella was briefly the headmistress of Rofeldemay, the most well known school for sorcery in the entire universe. And that was the job Adelaide would aim to apply for once she was accredited.

But an obstacle stood in her way. In Rofeldemay's millions of years of existence, the headmaster had always possessed the trait of magic, but it didn't say that was a prerequisite for the job on the website, so there was a chance. In fact, there had never even been an employee of Rofeldemay that didn't possess the trait.

It seemed to be an elitist form of selectivity. By law, Rofeldemay could not discriminate against nonmagical beings, but there was no way to prove they were not selecting the best candidate for the job. There had only been one legal case against them and it was for the groundskeeper position.

A few hundred years ago, a lawn care company called Lawn and Order bid for the job to take care of the massive area the school owned. They offered the lowest rate and higher quality than the magical being who was selected for the position. The deal would have been worth over two million pospills each year, so they sued Rofeldemay for discrimination and lost the case, because Rofeldemay could afford better lawyers.

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