Chapter 26- Mount Feluva

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Not all disasters were caused by living beings. Disasters could be naturally occurring. And while, most of the time, people didn't mess with underdeveloped planets, sometimes, more developed planets came for aid.

Mount Feluva, on planet Crest in the Cribula galaxy, was the twelfth largest volcano in the entire universe, but it had been dormant for so long people started settling near it a long time ago.

Crest's population were humanoid. They had basically all of the same traits, except they lived longer than most and had wild arrays of natural hair colors.

However, scientists of the planet responsible for overseeing the successful rise of the Crest population from Tikki, had determined that the volcano had exited dormancy. Teams of emergency personnel landed on the planet to slow the process down, so the volcano wouldn't erupt, which would cause over an estimated nine tenths, including other naturally occurring species on Crest, of the population to die.

The king of Tikki, Casumat, was fond of the people on Crest, so he decided he had to intervene. It was common for people of Tikki to only have one name and a serial code. But when scientist determined there was no way to stop the volcano from erupting, Casumat worried.

He sent hundred of ships to save as many of the Crestans as he could. Those left where forced into safe areas to hopefully save their lives.

The population of Crestans only numbered in the hundreds of thousands, so roughly a fourth of them were taken and held captive for their own good, but they didn't understand what was happening to them. They hadn't yet developed speech, so they all became angry and tried to fight back with prehistoric weapons. While they were intelligent life, their planet had only held life for a few thousands of years.

Casumat didn't want to house them on his planet while their planet recovered from the aftermath of the eruption. He was faced with a difficult decision in what to do with a hundred thousand cavemen. The plan was to return them back to their planet once scientist cleared it for life, but the scientists were saying it would be hundreds of years before they would be able to survive on the planet with the size of the volcano.

His decision would not have been supported by most. He elected to sell them as slaves instead, to make some money off of their misfortune. "who would want speechless humans?" Prince Patelo asked his father.

As a nation that loved the idea of lineage, Prince Patelo would rule after his father's death. The planet of Tikki may have been a small one, but they had stricter laws and regulations than any and were considered a first tier planet, despite the existence of a monarchy.

"Someone will pay," King Casumat said as if he was unsure of dealing with slavers. The planet of Tikki rarely committed any intergalactic crimes.

"They can't even speak," Patelo argued.

"Speech isn't necessary to obey," Casumat argued.

"It is. If they can't understand the orders, how will they ever do them?" Patelo reminded. "They're worthless."

"What else am I supposed to do with them? Our planet is too small to house a hundred thousand disgruntled apes," Casumat argued.

"Put them on Zorb," Patelo advised.

"I stand to make money off them, and you expect me to just put them on a planet where they would kill hundreds of thousands and rape hundreds of thousands. I never should have gotten them," Casumat cursed.

"You saved them," he reminded.

"I never should have intervened," Casumat admitted. "No matter what I do with them, it can be traced back to me negatively."

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