Chapter 12- A Fair Public Trial

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Under articles PT-1.2B, the president of VQ wasn't permitted to leave the planet for longer than six weeks, unless the trip being taken was a diplomatic trip.

"Do you deny the allegations?" Vice President Scher, who was leading the impeachment trial urged.

"No, but..." Estella pled.

"Then this impeachment trial will continue until deliberation is met," Annette interrupted.

"I had good reason to leave for so long," Estella pled with the congress of VQ.

"It is well understood that not only were you gone for over three years, despite your ability to use apparition, osmosis and teleportation, you failed to pass any legislation during that time. Do you confirm or deny that the court system you sit atop of is now backlogged by more than four years?" Scher pressed.

"No," Estella bowed her head, "but I had to go. Should I have passed legislation while I was cursed, all the laws would be doomed to fail."

Despite her feeble attempts to make things right, Estella was found guilty of violating this article. Her punishment was to be removed from office as the president of the Valley of the Queens, but nothing could be done about her title of Queen of Hertha. She would retain the ability to work in the VQ, but as decided by the court, she would no longer be able to run for president.

It seemed like a very opportune time for Scher to impeach Estella. With the successor to the position now dead, Scher would gain control of The Valley of Queens.

Dumbfounded Estella tried to plead her case over the course of the eight hour trial, but only a few of the congressional leaders believed her to be fit to run the nation. In the attack on her title, Scher decisively won the vote by blaming President Porter for the war which would soon be waged at the expense of millions of Herthling warriors.

Estella wasn't very familiar with the law, despite having been a part of writing several of them, so she stood no chance without legal council. Estella argued the same argument time and time again, but Flarb McZack appeared on the monitor and claimed Estella made such a mockery of the planet she represents in her time in Zxjek.

Not typically motivated by revenge, Estella wrote a list of names on her tablet she would seek vengeance on with all the free time she would have without the endless diplomatic meetings she was once required to go to. The list was short:
-Flarb McZack
-Annette Scher
-Viche Vichescha

But she intended to regain everything that was rightfully hers: her peace of mind, her money, and her title. Estella, having been completely and totally slandered by her new successor, argued that Vice President Scher shouldn't be allowed to be president either, because she was not elected to that position, her son was.

Congress looked stumped. They talked amongst themselves for a few minutes and accepted the former president's last rebuttal. But they agreed that Vice President Scher would act as the interim president to allow for a vote, in which she may run for the role of president.

The media gathered outside the Prism Palace to hear the latest news from those permitted inside the building. Estella was the first to exit, but she didn't have anything to say to the media. A funnel of lesser important congressmen came out and weighed in on the subject, then the current president of the VQ left the building to explain her new role in boastful detail.

Sateron was watching the news as it unfolded, knowing Estella would try to do something that would see her imprisoned for a very long time. He called her, but she didn't pick up. He knew her so well, he would even know where to find her. But he couldn't get there.

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