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Y/N RETURNED BACK to school the following monday after her chat with L at the bakery.

as the school day went by, y/n looked around for ryuga, or L she should say, but she didn't see him at all.

shrugging it off, she skipped to her last class of the day, criminology which just so happened to be light's last class as well.

she happily walked into her class and took her designated seat at the back. everyone would have assumed the "genius student" (as she was labeled) would sit in the front. but y/n chose the back just because she could sneak some snacks without the teacher noticing. and if someone were to snitch, the professor would believe the top student over them.

being a top student somewhat has its perks...

"alright class. i'd like you all to separate into pairs. and before you ask, no you may not work in groups of three."

multiple students groaned in agitation as they sorrowfully looked around at their friends.

"for this project, i want you and your partner to pick a criminal. wether they are alive or dead, it doesn't matter. pick a criminal that interests the both of you and write a detailed analysis of why this person would have committed said crime(s). an example is ted bundy. feel free to watch videos, documentaries, news tapes, anything that helps you with your research. this will be due next week. i have high expectations from you all. you may begin."

with that, the screeching of chairs and chatter filled the classroom.

"hey y/n wanna work with me?"

"y/n! let's work together!"

"wanna be my partner, y/n?"

... and being a top student also had its cons.

"sorry guys, i was hoping to work with light for this one!" she politely declined. grabbing all of her belongings, she walked over to lights desk.

"hi light!" she greeted.

"hey, y/n." he smiled. "how was your weekend?"

"hmm? oh! not much happened. it's just after the ceremony i ate some desserts with l- ryuga."

light raised a brow at her stutter but pushed it aside.

'that was close' y/n internally apologized to L.

"ah okay. well, wanna work together?" light moved on, not wanting to pry into her personal business.

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