Chapter 21

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Dani's POV:

'How would I react to what,' Nash asks walking in? Shit! How much did he hear? 'How you would react if I liked a boy,' I say. 'Well it depends who it is,' Nash says. 'For instance if it was any of my friends I would be annoyed. If it was any of those dipshits from Davidson Day I would be disappointed.'

Nash's POV:

As I messing with Dani I see her face fall. I laugh on the inside but keep my game face on. 'Im just kidding I would be supportive of you. You can make up your own mind,' I say. I go over and give her a hug. 'I know it's Gilinsky,' I whisper in her ear. She blushes and looks down.

I share a look with Gilinsky and he nods. Dani's still looking at the ground blushing. Gilinsky grabs her hand and she smiles at him. I nod at him and pull Johnson out of the room.

Gilinsky's POV:

'By the way Nash already knew,' I say to Dani. She playfully slaps my arm and rolls her eyes. I lean down and place a kiss on her lips. She kisses me back and smiles into the kiss. I pull away. 'Becca would you like to go on a date with me,' I ask? She scrunches her nose up. 'Gosh I hate that name but yes Jack I would love too,' she says hugging me. 'For a second there I thought you were about to say no,' I say. She laughs. 'I would never say no.'

She then skips happily out of the kitchen and upstairs to her room. 'Yes,' I shout excitedly. Nash and Johnson walk in. 'I take it she said yes,' Johnson asks? 'You bet she did,' I say a grin appearing on my face. Nash pats my back. 'You hurt her and you die,' Nash says, 'and I'll make it a slow and painful death.'

(A/N: Super short chapter :( sorry)

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