Chapter 3

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*3 Days Later*

Dani POV:

I get up and go into the bathroom. I turn in the shower and hop in. Today is the day we leave for MagCon. I wash my hair and body then hop out. I get dressed into; a daisy-patterned black above-the-knee dress, a black cardi with my black and white converse. I curl my hair into little ringlets and once I'm happy with my look I go into my room. I pack the rest of my stuff and grab my phone. I have a text message.

From Cammy:

Hey girl. Heard u were coming to MagCon with ur brothers. I can't wait to see u. It's been ages since we last saw each other. Haha ;)

I reply:

Yeah I get to come. Am I the only girl going? I can't wait to see you either. It's boring without you here. Will came back for a few days and they poured water all over me. I need your help pranking Nash. See you later x :)

He replies minutes later:

In NY, Miami and Orlando you will be the only girl. Mahogany and Jacob will be joining us in San Francisco. Sure ill help you prank Nash. And I know I'm so awesome that you can't not be bored without me there. Just kidding. See you later on today.

I haven't seen Cameron in ages. The last time I saw him was before the last MagCon which was 4 months ago. Cam is like an older brother to me. When I have arguments with Hayes or Nash he is always there. I'm really excited to see him.

I take my suitcases downstairs and go into the kitchen. Mum is in there baking. There are fresh muffins sitting on the bench. I grab one and bite into it. 'Mm these are delicious,' I say, 'I'm gonna miss your baking.' 'Your only gone 2 months,' mum says laughing. 'I know but that's a long time,' I say.

*At The Airport*

We get to the airport 1 hour before our flight. We check in through security and drop off our luggage. Nash, Hayes and I are the only ones from North Carolina so we'll arrive after everyone else in New York. I've never met any of the other guys as I try not to get caught up in this fame. No one knows about me. They only know that Hayes and Nash have Skylynn and Will. I chose this. I knew that I would get hate because of it so I chose not to be a part of the famousness. Now I don't care. I think it would be cool to be a bit famous. Even if I do get hate.

*Skips Plane Ride*

We arrive in New York. We go over and get our luggage from the luggage claim. After finding our bags we hail a taxi. The taxi takes us to the hotel and we go inside. We head up to our floor after getting our room key. I'm sharing a room with Nash and Hayes. Ugh. This is going to be hell.

We go into our room and I choose my bed. I lie down and close my eyes. 'Dani were going next door,' Hayes says. 'Okay,' I mutter. I'm really tired and I just want to sleep. The boys leave.

2 hours later I'm woken up by them coming back in. 'Were going to Taco Bell. Wanna come,' Hayes asks? 'Sure,' I say standing up. I fix my hair and we head down to the lobby. We get down and all the boys are standing there. They turn and look at us.

Shawn POV:

Nash and Hayes come down. There's a girl with them. She had the same blue eyes but has long blonde hair. She's really pretty. I think she might be Nash's age. Maybe older? 'Guys this is Dani,' Nash says. 'Shes our sister,' Hayes says. I look around. Everyone is confused except for Cam. 'Cammy,' Dani squeals running over to him. She gives him a hug and he spins her round. 'Long time no see,' he says. She laughs. 'I am so lost right now,' Matt says. 'Agreed,' Carter, Aaron, Taylor, The Jacks and I say. 'Nash I'm hungry,' Dani says. 'Leggo,' Hayes says. He runs out the door and Dani follows.

Dani POV:

Hayes and I run outside. We stand there waiting for the rest of them to come out. They finally do. One of them comes over to us. He has a bandana on. I'll race you,' he says to Hayes and I. 'Your on,' Hayes and I say in sync. He starts running. We run after him. I gain speed and pass him. I see Taco Bell ahead. I sprint to it. I look back and see Hayes and the boys still running. 'I win,' I shout once they're nearer. 'How,' the boy says, 'and I'm Taylor.' 'Nice to meet you Taylor,' I say. 'She does Track and is very sporty,' Hayes says. Taylor laughs. 'Why are they taking so long,' I ask? 'Cause they're lazy,' Hayes says laughing. They finally get here and we go inside. We sit at one of the tables and a waitress comes over, 'hi, what can I get for you,' she asks? '10 Tacos, 1 burrito, 3 mountain jew, 2 cokes, 5 Pepsi and 1 grape soda,' Nash says. 'Okay,' the waitress says walking away. 'Why 1 burrito and a grape soda,' Taylor asks? 'Cause Dani like burritos better than tacos and only drinks grape soda from here,' Nash and Hayes say at the same time. I laugh and 8 pairs of eyes turn to look at me. I blush and put my head down. Cam laughs. 'Is the little princess blushing,' he teases. I glare at him and Nash. 'Really,' I ask? Nash nods. I sigh and roll my eyes. Our food arrives and we decide to go back to the hotel. We walk in a group back to the hotel. Once we get up to our floor we go into Taylor's room.

I grab my food off Nash and sit down in a corner. Cam sits next to me. 'You afraid of them or something,' Cam asks? 'No. I just don't know any of them,' I say. 'Guys introduce yourselves,' Cam yells. I take a bite of my food. 'I'm Carter.' 'I'm Matt.' 'I'm Shawn.' 'I'm Aaron.' 'I'm Taylor.' 'We're the Jacks.' 'I'm Brent.' 'I'm Cam.' 'I'm Nash.' 'I'm Hayes.' I look at Cam, Nash and Hayes and roll my eyes.

Aaron POV:

'I'm Danielle,' she says. 'Tell us a bit about yourself,' Matt says. 'Um... I'm 15. I'm not very interesting. There done,' she says. We laugh. 'Tell us about what you like doing,' Shawn says. 'I like playing football, volleyball, netball and skating,' Dani says. 'Are you good,' I ask? 'Im alright I guess,' she says. 'Shes the captain of her, football and netball team. She's got like hundreds of awards for her skating. And she does Track and athletics,' Hayes says. Dani chokes on the grape soda she was drinking. 'Shut up Hayes,' she says. He laughs. She looks down blushing. We decide to put on a movie. Dani rests her head on Hayes's shoulder and soon falls asleep. Cam and Nash notice. Nash picks her up and carries her into they're room. Soon after he comes back in. 'Shes asleep,' he says.


It's now 11pm so we decide to go to bed. Everyone gets up and we all go into our own rooms. I'm sharing with Jack and Jack. They go out like a light and I'm left lying there thinking about Dani.

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