chapter fifty-one

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It was the night of Y/N's last show which brought along a feeling of depression. Almost like you get on your last day of vacation. She loved touring around to see all the faces of the people who got her where she is today. She loved bringing her visions and songs to life.

That feeling of dread was accompanied by a feeling of excitement, though. Y/N knew that after this show, she would fly back to LA and get to see Camila again. The two had been talking and texting non-stop but she really just missed her presence, something she couldn't feel through a screen.

Y/N was on stage performing the last song of the night, No Shame. The crowd was just as amazing as the last and she was overcome with a feeling of euphoria. This is where she wanted to be. With a smile, she belted out the next line.

I love the way you're screaming my name

Somehow, between the voices from the crowd, the band, and Y/N, a voice was heard. "Y/N!"

Continuing the song, Y/N glanced to the side of the stage where she found Camila standing. Immediately, she registered what she had done and tried her hardest not to laugh. But between the perfect comedic timing, and her happiness of seeing Camila again, she couldn't hold back her laughter.

Eventually, Y/N broke down into laughter, the crowd screaming. She turned to the side stage and opened her arms, letting Camila run out and jump into them. The crowd went insane at the sight. The band stopped playing, letting the screams from the crowd fill the arena.

"Camila Cabello, everyone!" Y/N said into the mic after putting Camila down. She gestured to the woman who took an exaggerated bow. Y/N slung her arm around Camila's shoulder. "I think that's the perfect way to end this tour. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for making this night so unbelievably special. I love you all, goodnight!" Y/N removed her arm from around Camila and pressed her hands together around the mic, bowing down. She stood and blew a kiss to the crowd before wrapping her arms around Camila and walking off stage with her. "What are you doing here?" Y/N asked, removing her in ears as a tech took off her mic.

"I wanted to see your last show...and you." Camila smiled shyly.

"But I thought you had to record for your next album?"

"Oh, I do. But it didn't take much convincing for them to let me come here. That's at least one perk of being under a contract." Camila joked with a shrug.

"Funny." Y/N deadpanned. "But I'm happy you're here." She smiled at her. "Do you wanna get food?"

"I kinda just want to go back to the bus and relax, if that's okay."

"Yeah, absolutely." Y/N wiped off her face with a towel and thanked the people around her who helped. "We're gonna do champagne and shit since it's the last show though."

"Yeah, I figured. That's fine. I'm just happy to see you."

"Same." Y/N smiled at her for a minute, taking in her features before she began walking down the hallway, Camila at her side.

They walked into one of the rooms reserved for them where they were met by Y/N's team and the other people who helped with the tour. "Congratulations!" They all yelled, a tech named Jack handing her a bottle of champagne.

"Thank you, guys. Seriously. This has been such an amazing experience and it's all because of you. I may be the face but you guys do all the real work. You'll never know how much you all mean to me." Y/N smiled at them all individually. "Alright, let's see if I can do this without blinding myself." The group laughed as Y/N pried the cork out of the bottle. After a few moments of struggle, there was a loud POP, accompanied by a waterfall of champagne which Y/N attempted to catch in her mouth. She pulled the bottle from her lips and haphazardly poured some into Camila's mouth. The small Latina laughed as she struggled to catch it all.


"That was fun." Camila sighed as she fell back onto the couch on the bus. Y/N was pretty drunk at this time but Camila made sure to stay sober.

"I know." Y/N laughed. "Ugh, I'm so happy you're here!" She lunged across Camila's lap, wrapping her arms awkwardly around her waist. "I missed you." She mumbled into her stomach.

"I missed you too, Y/N." Camila smiled, running her fingers through Y/N's hair. "We should sleep."


"You're gonna be so hungover tomorrow." Camila laughed.

"So what. I have you to take care of me." She looked up at her, a lazy smile plastered on her face.

"You do. Come on, let's get you in bed."

"Nooo. I want to stay here. You're comfy. And
y-you play with my hair."

Camila laughed loudly at her slurred speech. "Wouldn't you rather your soft and fluffy pillow?"

"No. You're soft and fluffy enough."

"Are you calling me fat?" Camila joked.

"What?" Y/N sat up some, a horrified look on her face. "No! I would never! I-I love you're b-body. I just meant that you're—"

"I know, I know. I was kidding." Camila kissed
Y/N's forehead, successfully making her stand up. She helped her to the bedroom and undressed her, turning to the small dresser in the bus. When she turned around, Y/N was smirking at her, holding her sports bra in one hand. "No, no, no." She tossed her shorts on the bed, grabbing a shirt. "Arms up."

With an exaggerated frown, Y/N complied. "Boring."

"I know. Now step in." Camila held out her underwear, helping her pull them on.

Y/N crawled up to her pillow, Camila beside her. She took out her phone to open up her Instagram before bed. "I like this." She smiled, showing Camila the post on the Latina's story.

"That's a good picture

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"That's a good picture." Camila agreed. "I have no idea who took it though." She shrugged. "Come on, give me the phone. Bed time." Camila held out her hand.

"Wait, one more thing." Y/N left Instagram and opened Twitter.

thanks to eveyone woh cmae out to any of the shwos! i lve u guys♥️♥️♥️

Camila couldn't help but laugh as Y/N sent out the tweet before she could tell her how misspelled it all was. Y/N slammed the phone into Camila's awaiting hand, leaning over and kissing her forehead. "Thank you." Camila placed the phone on the side table and turned around to let Y/N cuddle up to her. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Y/N sighed happily.

(a/n): yayyy flufffff
tbh i made that edit so long ago and i felt the need to post it at some point so i made this chapter for that and the first part specifically bc i think camila yelling out "Y/N" at that exact moment to announce her presence is cute okay thx

i hope you all liked it :)

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thanks for reading❤️


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