chapter four

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Camila and I lay under the moonlight, the waves crashing onto the sand as she rested her head on my chest. The water was all we could hear before she began to softly chuckle. "What is it?" I asked, looking down at her.

"Nothing it's just...we're supposed to act all close and cuddly for pictures, right? But here we are, alone, cuddled up ready for the perfect picture to be taken but no one's around." So said, her focus still solely on the ocean.

"Do you wish there were cameras here...?" I asked cautiously.

"What?" Camila craned her head up to see me. "Of course not. I think we're a little past just being for publicity, don't you?" She asked with a soft smile. Camila turned so she rested on her stomach, her eyes still on me as her forearms held her up. "I like being alone with you. I feel like...never mind." She crinkled her nose.

"No what is it?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Camila sighed before licking her lips and opening her mouth to speak. "I feel like you get me. Everything you were saying earlier, about my music, it's all I've ever wanted someone to get from me, ya know? I just want to be understood and you understand me. God, that was cheesy." She laughed.

I smiled at her, shaking my head before I propped myself up on my elbows, leaning in to kiss her. She pulled away afterwards with a smile. "God, you're so beautiful." I sighed out. Camila blushed, trying to hold back a smile. "Can I show you something?" I asked, squinting my eyes.

"Of course." She replied, moving so I could sit up. "What is it?"

"Well...this might be a little forward but, I wrote you a song. Not too long ago but it just came to me and I had to get it out." I retrieved my phone, unlocking it and ignoring the missed calls I had.

Play 'Perfect (Stripped)' by One Direction

I let the music play as I watched Camila take it in, an occasional smile crossing her lips. "This is beautiful, Y/N." She told me, I just shrugged in response. "No, I'm serious. No one's ever really written something like this for me." I looked into her eyes and saw nothing but raw honesty.

"Thank you. I didn't think I'd ever show you, or anyone for that matter." Camila smiled again and connected our lips in a sweet kiss. As the song came to an end, I took my phone, looking through my notifications. "We should probably head back. My manager is pissed." I laughed. Just as I finished speaking, Camila's phone began to vibrate.

"Speaking of managers," she muttered, answering her phone and putting it on speaker. "Hello."

"Camila! God, finally! I've been trying to call you for hours! Where have you been?" He asked frantically. Poor guy.

"Y/N and I are at the beach. We needed to get away." She told him truthfully.

"Alright well it's time you head back to the hotel. And please don't run from the photographers again." He begged, I could almost picture him pinching the bridge of his nose as I held back a laugh.

"Will do, Roger. Bye." Camila hung up before falling into me as she laughed. "I've never done that before, run from the cameras I mean."

"Me either. You talked me into it though." I told her, holding her close as she continued to laugh.

"Yeah, that took so much convincing, huh?" She chuckled, looking up at me before her face turned serious again. "I wanna kiss you again." She spoke softly, her eyes on my lips.

"Do it." I told her, allowing her to lean forward, kissing me yet again. She turned her head, deepening the kiss. We didn't go very far last time, just a few sweet kisses. I felt her tongue brush my bottom lip. "Mmm, wait." I pulled away.

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