chapter three

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Y/N🥰- you ready to go to san francisco?

Mila💗- i guess so

Y/N🥰- you don't sound so thrilled

Mila💗- idk i'm just not a huge fan of it there. it's windy and loud and there's so many people everywhere

Y/N🥰- i get that. we'll have fun tho. there's a lot of cool shit to do

Mila💗- maybe. i'm boarding now. i'll see you in a few hours

Y/N🥰- see you then 😘

Really, Y/N? A fucking kissing emoji? Whatever. I shoved my phone in my pocket and hoped I didn't overstep. It's not that major though. I'm overthinking again. Alright, so since Mila isn't thrilled about San Francisco, and we have the freedom to do whatever as long as we're together, I decided to look up some places I think she'll like.

I know she likes reading a lot, and she likes sight seeing even though she thinks it sounds lame. I thought back to all our past conversations about our likes and dislikes and thought I had a good plan for what we can do. Camila will hopefully like it and actually enjoy herself there.

My flight was about to take off, so I closed my notebook and put my headphones in, ready for take off.


"There you are!" I shouted over the crowd of people swarming the gates to great family. I wrapped the small Cuban in my arms and breathed in her scent. I may have been developing a tiny crush on her, but who wouldn't? If you had to act like you were dating someone like Camila Cabello, you'd start to fall too.

"Hey," she muttered into my shoulder before pulling away and taking my hand. "Let's get out of here before people notice who we are." She joked.

About an hour later, we were pulling up to our hotel. The chauffeur opened the door to let us out when I noticed a lot of paparazzi. I'm not used to this yet but I knew they were here to 'catch us'. Camila seemed visibly anxious with all the flashing and yelling. "Hey, you go ahead in. I'll get our bags." I told her. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand before leaving the SUV and making a bee-line for the hotel doors.

I got out after her and helped grab our bags before walking them both up the large steps and into the hotel. "Thank you." She told me, taking her suitcase from me. "Sometimes I just can't take all those cameras and people."

"I get it." We checked in and brought our bags up to the hotel room, where Camila collapsed onto one of the large beds. "No, no. Get up. We got places to be." I tapped her leg as she closed her eyes.

"What? We just got here. And we don't have 'places to be'. So let me sleep." She replied, her eyes still closed.

"Camila, come on. I made us plans." This caused her to at least look at me. She cracked one eye open and looked at me. "I'm serious, let's go." I laughed, pulling her up and onto her feet.


"How did you find this place? It's so cute." Camila spoke, looking around the small cafe, bookshelves lining the walls, chandeliers giving the room soft lighting.

"I did some digging. You said you like to read and you like to eat. I thought this would be perfect." I shrugged, hoping she'd like it.

"It is! I'm gonna look around if that's okay?" She asked. I nodded to her with a relieved smiled. Camila took off, walking around the cafe, perusing the plethora of books before she found the poetry section. "Shit, I've been wanting to read this one." She muttered, pulling off a blue book. "Okay I'm gonna get this one. We can eat now." She laughed.


"I've never really stood up here and just...looked." Camila admitted, taking in the view from the Golden Gate bridge. "It's beautiful."

"It really is. Honestly I've never been up here at all, besides in a car." I told her, our arms brushing. I looked around and noticed a man with a camera in his hands, causing my smile to drop. Sometimes I forget that's why we're here.

"You okay?" Camila asked quietly, nudging my arm.

"Uh, yeah." I told her, shoving my hands in my pocket. Camila looked around subtly before she noticed the cameraman as well.

"Oh...yeah. I kinda forgot someone would be taking our picture." She laughed nervously. It made my heart flutter, as cheesy as that sounds, knowing that she also forgot about the publicity part of this all. "Wanna get out of here?" She asked with a smirk.

"Where?" I asked, knowing I had nothing else planned for today besides maybe some shopping.

"Anywhere that we can ditch that dude." She said, taking my hand before we started walking away from him.


"We're gonna get so much shit for this." I laughed with Camila as we ducked behind some trees along the shoreline.

"Probably. But I wanted some space." She told me, sitting on the sand, pulling me along with her. We sat quietly, enjoying the sounds of the waves as the sun set, leaving the sky a hazy blue.

"Why did they send us here? It seems a little random if I'm honest." I spoke randomly, breaking the soft silence between us.

"Probably because I have a song that mentions San Francisco. Needed to fit you here, ya know." My shoulder slumped but I understood. "That reminds me, we need to kiss publicly tomorrow. In front of some cameras."

"W-what?" I asked, choking on air at the mere thought of kissing Camila Cabello.

"The song mentions kissing in San Francisco." She shrugged indifferently, clearly not freaking out like I was. "Here, hold on." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone before handing me an ear bud. "I'll play it for you."

Play Used  To This

The song came on, followed by her soothing voice. "Whoever this is about it one lucky girl." I said.

"Why's that?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

"You can tell you were really in love. The details of it all, it's...beautiful. I've always wanted to write something that really pulls people in, you know? Something that makes people feel the music and know exactly what I felt. I'm not sure if I've done that really. But you did and always do and it just seems so effortless. You're so fucking talented." I admitted. Camila didn't respond, causing me to look over at her. She looked at me with an unreadable expression.

Before I could prepare, her lips were on mine, the soft feeling taking over my body.

I could get used to this

My hands came up, resting on her cheeks as my thumb stroked her face.

The feeling of your finger tips

She pulled away slightly before connecting our lips yet again, neither one of us moving to further the kiss.

The feeling of another kiss

The simplicity of it all was overwhelming. Nothing could have prepared me for the way she managed to show me so much with a single kiss. Camila made me realize so much. And all I could think was...

I could get used to this


(a/n) okay ngl i liked that ending but like....lmk

your comments make me really happy and just want to write more. i love your feedback so much, so thank you

there are a lot of ways i want to go. let me know if you want angst or fluff or something else and i'll work it in

thanks for reading ❤️

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