chapter nine

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"Okay so," Roger began, his voice coming through the speakers on Camila's computer. "Trust me when I say that we will find away around this mess. I have a meeting later where we'll discuss our next steps, okay?" He asked.

"What do we do in the process? I mean can't we just say it was Y/N in the pictures? She posted that picture with me there already." Camila replied, panicking to find a solution, just as we all were.

"You can tell it's Lauren. They got her face, tattoos, every defining characteristic." I told her, grabbing her hand that rested on her lap.

"Yes, they did. As for the post, Y/N I know you were trying to help. Honestly it made it worse." Roger sighed.

"How? If anything it shows that Camila and I are solid." I argued.

"In a way. But, it more so makes it look like you're fighting the pictures. The jealous girlfriend trope is very played out." He told me.

"Well, so is hiding your client's sexuality but you did it for years." I spoke under my breath, Camila slapping my leg in the process, giving me a look that shut me up, muttering an apology.

"We're either gonna handle this like the AMA's hotel room incident, or we'll release an official statement." He proposed. Camila nodded as I furrowed my eye brows. "So, today you two just go to the beach, get some sun, act all cuddly and what not. I will let you know what comes up in the meeting. Till then, carry on as you would." We both nodded, agreeing to his plan. "Alright. I'll talk to you later. Bye guys." And with that he hung up, leaving us to sit in silence.

"Well, fuck." Camila sighed, placing her head in her hands. "I don't even know what we can possibly do."

"What's the 'AMA's hotel room incident'?" I asked.

"Uh, basically I tripped while recording a video and caught a glimpse of Lauren in my hotel room. We played it off by ignoring it which only worked because it was such a blurry picture that it could be seen as anything." She explained. "That probably won't work here so...I'll most likely be releasing a statement."

"No. No way. You can't release a statement." I turned, facing Camila. "That's what Lauren wants. She wants it to be known. If you tell everyone then she'll win."

"She'll win? Baby, you're not competing with her." Camila brought her hand to my cheek. "She's not your competition. You don't have any competition."

"Still. She'll get what she wants if you tell everyone the truth about it. I know that sounds selfish but if she gets her way then who's to say she won't do something like this again?" Camila but her lip, looking into my eyes.

"I never said my statement would be 100% truthful." She smiled sadly. "Most of them aren't."


"Y/N! Get in the water!" Camila called out, already waist deep in the light blue waves.

"Uh, I'm okay! Just, you know, getting used to the temperature!" I yelled back. Camila rolled her eyes, moving back towards the shore.

"It's warm water, Y/N." She laughed, as I just looked down at my feet, the only part of my body in the ocean. "Wait...are you scared of the ocean?" Her face breaking out into a grin.

"What! That's ridiculous...I'm just..." I sighed. "Okay, yeah I fucking hate the ocean." Camila laughed, reaching down for my hand.

"Come on. It's fine, trust me." I gave her a doubting look. "Look at all the people out there," She pointed out to the ocean and all the people laughing while swimming around. "Nothing bad is in there."

"You don't know that. You can't see anything below you. There could be any number of things." Camila sighed with a smile, shaking her head. "Did you know, we know more about space than our own oceans?" I raised an eyebrow in question. "Space. As in the never there."

"Yeah, I get it." She laughed. "But we do know that there's no giant sea creatures on the shores of Miami." She pulled my hand, leading me further into the water, and closer to my imminent death.

"You're so lucky you're cute. I hate this." I muttered, following her. "Okay this is good." I stopped as the water moved against my shoulders but my feet were still firmly on the sandy ocean floor.

"Fine. We'll work on swimming out later." Camila hopped up, her legs wrapping around my waist. "See, it's not so bad." She whispered. "You're smiling."

"I'm smiling because you're in my arms acting all cute. Don't get it twisted, I'm still shitting myself." I told her.

"I wanna kiss you." She whispered against my lips as she finished laughing.

"Then do it." Camila leaned in, closing her eyes. My body warmed as her lips met mine, soft and inviting. "You know you can just kiss me. You don't have to warn me." I smiled as she pulled away.

"I've only ever wanted to kiss one person my whole life. Except for now. And it's nice to remind myself that she isn't it for me. That there's more to my story after doubting that for so long. I'm not trapped with one person. So, I like hearing myself say I want to kiss you." She explained, her fingers playing with my hair.

"I like hearing it too." I pressed my forehead against hers. Camila smiled as I kissed her again, deepening it despite the salty taste of the ocean.


(a/n): ik where i'm going for at least the next chapter or two so i'll get it out soon i hope
honestly i've been hooked on TVD and that's all i've been doing lmao

what should camila and y/n do about the pictures?

thanks for reading ❤️

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