chapter eleven

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"Hey, Y/N." Dinah waved as she walked into the living room, finding me on the couch. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier." She apologized, taking a seat in the reclining chair across from me. "That whole Lauren thing? I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry."

"No, don't worry about it. If anything I should be apologizing." I laughed as Dinah tilted her head in confusion. "Your first impression of me wasn't the best. Making out with your best friend and all."

"Ah, don't worry about it." Dinah waved me off. "I've seen way worse when it comes to Camila, trust me." It became quiet between us as we both realized what, or rather who, she was referring to. "Anyway," She spoke loudly, trying to rid the uncomfortable tension. "How come you guys aren't official yet? Waiting for the right moment?"

"Yeah, something like that." I muttered, toying with my phone. "Let me guess, if I hurt her, you'll kill me?" I jested.

"Unless it's her fault. Cause let's face it, she can be a dumbass." We both laughed at her words.

"Who can be a dumbass?" Camila asked, walking into the living room with three wine glasses and a bottle.

"No one."


Dinah and I spoke at the same time, Camila looking between us. "Wow, I see how it is." She laughed, leaning into my arm that I placed around her.


"Are you sure you don't want to stay the night, Dinah?" Camila asked as Dinah slipped her shoes on.

"Yeah. I don't need to be here while you two finish what you started earlier." She smirked as we both blushed. "I'll text you, Mila." You hugged her, kissing the top of her head. "Love ya, byeee."

"She's fun." I said, plopping down in the couch with Camila. "I like her."

"I'm glad." She smiled, cuddling into me once again. "I like that you like my friends. Well, one of them anyway."

"I'm sure I'll like them all." I kissed her head, pulling her closer to me before being rudely interrupted by an incoming call on her phone.

"Hi, Roger." She asked, putting him on speaker so I could hear as well. "What's the news?"

"Well, it's a two part deal. First off, don't say anything about the pictures. Anywhere. Second, and here's the fun part," He paused for what I assume to be for dramatic affect but in reality it just annoyed me. "You two are going to write and release a single together!" He exclaimed.

"What?" We both asked at the same time. "How is that going to help?" I asked for the both of us.

"Well, a single will hopefully get lots of radio play, since it's from the new 'it' couple in the industry, the people love you guys. That will push us to performances on late night and award shows, where you can show off your chemistry and what not. And finally, to win awards! Think about it, the two of you writing a love song where you're the sole writers, it's bound to be a hit." He explained, sounding way too excited.

"We're gonna be the sole writers? No one else?" Camila asked doubtfully. "I've never been able to be a sole writer."

"Yes, but with you two together, it's going to be great and it'll be more personal with no one else in the credits. Of course, it'll be looked over and possibly edited but we'll see." Camila rolled her eyes, mouthing the words 'of course' to me. "Anyway, you two get started as soon as you can. The label wants this single to be released in June the latest. Have fun guys." With that, he hung up. Leaving us with this information.

"June? He does realize that that's a little over a month away? How are we supposed to get a hit single done by then?" I asked, sitting up.

"Well, with both of us working together we should move pretty fast. We know what we're doing. Plus, I have some ideas we can use." Camila unlocked her phone, and opened her notes. "Okay here: I'll give you the best years, past love burned out like a cigarette, I promise you won't regret it." Camila looked at me expectantly.

"I like that. A lot. They want a love song, then let's give them a love song." I smiled, pulling Camila into me and kissing her head.

(a/n): y'all are crazy and want an update so like here's a short one lmao
there's more coming soon (really soon before you ask)

how do you think the public will like the song? how about lauren 🤭

don't forget to vote and comment any thoughts or questions. i like reading them all :)
thanks for reading ❤️

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