chapter eighteen

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I woke up with my head resting on Camila's chest, her soft breathing almost lulling me back to sleep. I smiled, looking up at her to see her already awake and looking out of the bedroom window, stroking my hair.Her hand paused it's movements on my hair when she noticed me awake. "Good morning." She smiled at me.

"Morning." We looked at each other for quite some time, conveying everything we felt through soft smiles and loving eyes.

"I don't want to ruin this cute moment...but I've had to pee for thirty-three minutes now." Camila said, biting her lip. I laughed, moving off of her to watch her run clumsily to the adjoining bathroom.  I rolled over to grab my phone and check my notifications. Most were from twitter and other social media platforms. Aside from those, I noticed a loving text from my manger: When are you gonna finish this fucking album? I laughed, replying with 'soon' before putting my phone back down. Camila emerged from the bathroom, sticking her head out. "I'm gonna shower. Do you want to join?" She smiled cutely.

"Sure." I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom, finding Camila starting the shower, still completely naked. She looked so comfortable in her own skin. It made me somewhat jealous. "Uhm..." I bit my cheek, standing awkwardly in my own bathroom, unsure of if I wanted to undress completely or not.

Camila turned around and smiled at me before coming closer, wrapping her arms around my neck. "You don't need to be shy about your body. You are absolutely stunning in every way possible. With that said, if you're not ready then you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"That's becoming a common theme here, isn't it?" I joked, Camila chuckled, kissing my lips and moving to grab a towel for herself. I took a deep breath and stripped off my sports bra and underwear. "Grab me one too." I told her, watching as she did so. Camila turned around and smiled at me before stepping in the shower. She didn't give my body a second glance, in fact, her eyes never wandered from my face. I was relieved that she somehow knew what I wanted and I followed her into the shower. I watched in awe as she wet her hair, her hands running through the long, dark locks. "Turn around." I told her, grabbing the shampoo from the small shelf on the wall.

Camila spun around, allowing me to massage the shampoo into her hair, before rinsing it throughly. I rubbed in the conditioner before moving on to wash her body. I spread the soap around her back, kissing her shoulders lovingly as I went.

Once I finished, Camila turned me around and followed suit. I was nervous as she grabbed the body was, but I trusted her. Spinning me around to wash my front, Camila kept eye contact with me, rubbing the suds around my chest. She squatted down slowly, washing up and down my legs. I gasped as she got close to my center was avoided the area otherwise. There was nothing sexual about the way she moved. It was intimate without being sexual in nature. We both finished and stepped out of the shower. I kissed Camila deeply, thanking her. "For what?" She asked.

"For being you." I told her.


"Alright, let's do this." I rubbed my hands together excitedly as I opened my laptop. We were currently in my studio, preparing to record Camila's part in my song.

"Should I just freestyle something?" She joked.

"Actually," I started. "Yeah. We'll go with whatever comes naturally. I like that idea." I told her, pulling up the track.

"I was kidding." She told me. "We can't go with the rough draft."

"Sure we can." I smiled, starting the song. Once we were coming up on the part where her verse would be added, I let her know. She took a deep breath, feeling the music.

Oh my God, where did the time go?
I wish the hours would go slow
How is it six am? Your touch is heaven sent

Beautiful, beautiful sight right now
Beautiful, beautiful life right now
Got them all singing 'oh-ah' right now
Like 'ohhh-ahhh'

And this is why we've got to touch
Sometimes words are not enough
Painted in your golden kiss
Honey dripping from you lips

I thank God and my lucky stars
Darlin' don't you know what you are?
Yeah, baby, you are

"That was a freestyle? What the fuck?" I asked, completely shocked.

"Oh, shut up. It wasn't that good. Besides, I forgot what I sang so, looks like we have to do it again." She smiled innocently.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I recorded you." It was my turn to smile innocently as I shook my phone back and forth. I played it back. "This is so good, Camila."

"Wait," She grabbed my phone, playing it back a second time. "I don't like that. 'Got them all singing'. I wanna make it 'Got the angels singing' because it fits the whole 'beautiful angel' theme." She explained.

"Works for me. Now get in there and sing your heart out." Camila moved into the studio, putting on the headphones and repeating what she first sang, bar the small lyric change. "That was perfect, baby." I told her as she re-emerged from the booth. I spun my chair around, letting her climb into my lap.

"Why is this so easy." She asked after she kissed me.

"Because, like you said, we share a musical brain. We just flow." I explained, my hands resting on her lower back respectively.

"No not that. I mean that too, but and me. This whole thing is just so easy with us. I know I only had one relationship before but it was always so hectic. With you it's so...easy." Camila explained, her hands tangling into my hair.

"It's easy because we make it easy. Communication is so important and we both do that. We talk." I told her, kissing her cheek as she smiled. "It can get hard really fast if we start hiding things or lying."

"Then let's never do that. Let's always make it easy." She said. "Promise me we'll always work to keep it easy." Camila held out her pinky.

"Promise." I told her, locking our pinkies together and leaning forward to kiss her. Our nice moment was interrupted by my front door bell ringing. "Did you invite someone over?" I asked her.

"No. I would've asked first before inviting someone into your home." She laughed.

"Fair enough. I'll be right back." Camila hopped off my lap and grabbed her notebook, writing down what I assumed to be a song idea, as I stood and left the room, making my way to the front door. I peaked out the window, seeing someone in a dark hoodie under a leather jacket, the hood pulled low, covering their face. I swallowed harshly, preparing myself for my inevitable murder. But, like the idiot I am, I opened the door. My eyes widened. "Lauren?"

(a/n): hehe
omg i'm so sorry for dragging this lauren thing out but it's important. plus i want to have lauren explain shit so y'all stop coming for her.

why do you think lauren's at y/n's house??

alsoooooo, here's the track list for y/n's album. i'll drop the covers next chapter maybe >: ))))

1. Wildflower
2. Best Years
3. Black and White
4. Golden Thing
5. Beautiful (feat. Camila Cabello)
6. Atlas
7. Perfect
8. Come True
9. Tio
10. Feel Something
11. True Colors
12. Perfect (Acoustic)

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thanks for reading ❤️

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