chapter fifty-three

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Y/N smiled as she walked through her house with Maria, Camila following behind. She opened the door to her studio, her smile widening even further as she sat behind her Mac and pulled up her Logic session.

Maria had come over to review the music Y/N has been working on. It was clear to her and everyone around them that Y/N was unbelievably proud of this project.

Camila leaned against the back wall, a fond smile on her face. She had yet to hear Y/N's new music, as per usual, but Y/N hadn't kicked her out yet, so that was a good sign.

"Okay, so, before I play it, I wanna give you an overview of my vision for this project," Y/N turned her chair around, facing the other two women. "So, I want this project to encompass the ups and downs of a failing relationship between two people who still...well, who still love each other." Her eyes flitted over to Camila who bit her lip but smiled and nodded encouragingly. "And I wanted to kinda shed light on the fact that even when a relationship is struggling, bright moments shine through, making it worth it. Until those moments stop too." Y/N noticed Camila blink away some unshed tears.

"Wow, okay." Maria smiled. "I love that. It's deep," she laughed. "But, uh...I think we're looking for a different vibe."

"What? Who's we?" Maria didn't have to reply. "We? You too?" Y/N stood from her chair. "I've been working my ass off on this and you're just gonna come in here and tell me you need a 'different vibe'? The whole reason I'm an independent artist is so I can write and release what I want!"

"I know, Y/N." Maria's voice was level as she tried to calm the situation down. "With the situation right now," her eyes cut to Camila who was looking down at her feet. "You can't do that. You don't have to scrap this whole project. I'm sure you have some love songs in it right? For those bright moments?"

"It doesn't matter. It's supposed to go together as one cohesive piece. I'm not breaking it apart to fit whatever you want it to."

"Okay, then you're gonna have to look for love songs you have. You can add some that aren't, of course, but the premise should be the same: you're in love."

"I can't deal with this right now." Y/N stomped out of the room. Behind her, Camila followed.

"Y/N, wait," she called. When her ex girlfriend spun around to look at her, she faltered. " can release it another time. I know it's sucks, trust me, I've been there. But it's easier to just follow with what they say."

"Oh, is it?" Y/N asked. "Well, maybe I'm sick of just going along with everything."

"So you're gonna storm out?" Camila tried not to, but she felt herself getting upset at Y/N's stubbornness and raised voice.

"Yeah, I am." Y/N grabbed her car keys beside the door.

"And I'm supposed to what? Wait for you so we can talk like adults?"

"I don't care." Just before she slammed the front door of her house, Y/N added. "Call Lauren."


"Hey, what's up?"

Lauren's voice was staticky as it came through the speakers of Y/N's car.

"I fucked up, Lo." Y/N tapped her forehead on the steering wheel, sitting in LA traffic.

"Oh, God. What happened?"

Y/N recounted everything, from Maria coming over to Y/N storming out.

"You said 'call Lauren'? Really?"

"Yes, I know. It was a shitty thing to say." Y/N sighed, traffic finally moving but she had nowhere to go. She took a random turn, unsure of where she was heading. "Like, I'm over it. I am. I think."

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