chapter twenty-nine

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Flight 403 to Miami, Florida is now boarding

I sighed and grabbed my backpack, flinging it over my shoulder as I walked up to the flight gate. I walked in before the mass of people behind me and took my seat in first class. I was being sent to Miami because I hadn't been seen with Camila for some time and rumors were flying.

After what had happened, Camila decided to board a flight home to take some time for herself and I understood. I still missed her though and I regretted what happened everyday.

She knew I was coming but hadn't replied to me at all which was understandable. Sinu had texted me and let me know she would pick me up because Camila was in the studio. I wasn't sure if she really was or she just wanted to avoid me, which again was understandable.

Camila and I haven't spoken at all these past few weeks. I texted her good morning and goodnight everyday but I received no reply. Going to Miami should be interesting.


"Y/N!" I looked up, noticing Sinu waving at me as I walked out of the gate. I came over and hugged her before grabbing my bags and walking out to her car.

"Thanks for picking me up. I wasn't sure you'd want to see me." I semi-joked as I pulled the seatbelt across my body.

Sinu looked at me somewhat sympathetically and rubbed my knee. "Of course. I know what happened between the two of you. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset're young. People make mistakes." She spoke, turning out of the airport parking lot. "Not that that's an excuse but, you both have some growing to do. And between you and me, I always liked you." She winked at me.

"Thank you," I laughed. "I hope we can work through this. I miss her so much." I looked out the window, watching as we passed palm tree after palm tree.

"You will. Hopefully. If Camila moved on with Lauren of all people she'll work it out with you." She told me, her voice lowering at the mention of Lauren's name. "Camila gives out a lot of second chances. Especially with people she loves. She's made some mistakes too and she knows that."

The car ride was silent after our short conversation. We arrived at their house at around eleven p.m. I knew Camila had a song coming out at midnight, the fourth single of her album. I'm still not sure why her team decided to have so many singles released so close together but who knows.

I grabbed my bags and brought them into the guest house before heading to Camila's room. I took a deep breath and wiped my sweaty palms on my pants, readying myself to see her. After knocking three times on the door, I opened it and walked in. Camila was laying on her bed, doing something on her phone. "Hey..."

Camila looked up from her phone, pulling out her earbuds. "Uh...hi?" She greeted, sitting up.

"I didn't know if you'd be home. I heard you were recording today so..." I walked over and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Yeah, I wasn't recording today." She dismissed, putting her phone beside her. "I finished the album last week."

"That's great!" Camila nodded, looking down at her lap. "Well, Easy comes out at midnight, that's cool. I know you get nervous on release nights. I figured we could talk or something to get your mind off of it."

"Talk about what?" She raised an eyebrow, finally looking at me. "The fact that you cheated on me as an act of revenge?"

"Ouch...I deserved that." I sighed. "If you want to talk about that, sure. We haven't discussed anything really."

"There's not really anything to talk about." She looked down at her bed again. "I don't want you to explain. I don't need the details."

"I get that. You can like...tell me how you're feeling?" I suggested. "I get it if you hate me."

"I'm hurt, Y/N." She told me, meeting my eyes with her sad ones. "I can't hate you, I've tried. And that's the problem. No matter how many times I tell myself to hate you, I can't. I just keep thinking about how amazing you are and it trumps everything else."

"I'm not amazing, Camila. I want you to be mad. I deserve that." I spoke honestly.

"You don't." Camila shook her head. "After everything I did, I led you to this. I mean, I know kissing someone and having sex is different but...still."

"Can I ask you something?" Camila nodded at me. "That night at Dinah's, did you really ignore Lauren the whole time?"

"Basically. I spent the whole time thinking about our fight and how I was in the wrong...again. You had every right to be skeptical. That's why I came hom—back early. To apologize." I caught when she almost called my house 'home' and my heart dropped when she corrected herself. "Can I ask you something?" I nodded. "Did you plan on meeting someone when I left? Like did you plan on finding someone that night?"

"No. I went out because I was upset. I just wanted to get drunk. And then she started talking to me and the more we drank the more I just stopped caring." I cringed at my words, noticing Camila's eyes water. "I can't say it just happened, because it didn't. I knew what I was doing the whole time. I regretted it the second it was over. Every intention I had on matching your actions just...I knew I fucked up."

"Were you gonna tell me? If I hadn't walked in, I mean." She asked, I knew it was hard for her to ask these questions.

"Yeah. You were always honest with me. I'd be lying if I didn't expect to tell you right after you confessed to sleeping with Lauren though. I mean I really thought something was gonna happen between you two." I told her, moving a little closer to her.

"Well, it didn't. The way back to Dinah's I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I thought you let me touch you because you trusted me. But then I realized that I was just a way for you to discover what you liked and you realized you were comfortable with it all. And now I'm not the only one who has and...I don't know..." The first tear fell.

"Camila," I took a deep breath, moving even closer so our knees were touching. "I know you don't want details but she didn't touch me. I wouldn't let her. You are the only person I trust enough for that." I wiped away a stray tear, smiling softly at her. Camila grabbed my hand before I could pull it away and held it to her face, leaning into my touch. "I'm gonna head to the guest house, okay? I'll see you in the morning." I kissed her forehead, moving to stand from the bed.

"Wait," Camila held my wrist. "Stay? It's only 11:40." I climbed back into the bed, laying beside her as she cuddled into me. "I can't jump back into a relationship with you. Not while I have underlying feelings for Lauren, it's not fair."

"We'll see how everything goes. I need to work on a lot too before we can work on us." I kissed her head again, smiling at her. "I love you so much, Cami."

"I love you too." She told me, looking at my lips before cuddling into my neck. "Twenty minutes." She sighed.


(a/n): i'm BACK
i had bad writers block but i think it's gone now lmao
i was gonna wait till tomorrow bc @ishgaby told me to take today off bc it's my birthday but eh, yw

the date is now october 11th, when easy was released. y/n and camila have some shit to work out but they'll get through

how do you feel about camila seemingly forgiving y/n? 

don't forget to vote
thanks for reading ❤️

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