chapter two

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I walked up to the large double doors of the 5SOS mansion. The bright lights along the outside of the building illuminating the marble walls. I let myself in and walked towards the kitchen, our designated meeting spot. The bass of the music vibrating under the soles of my feet.

The basic plan was that I would find Camila and we would meet for the 'first' time in a public place. Someone here would snap a few photos and then we'd leave and go to some late night diner where we'd be spotted by some other people who were planted. Honestly, it was a solid plan. I never know how much went into this shit.

Finally finding the kitchen, I waved to some people I recognized before finding Camila leaning on a wall, she was in the middle of a discussion with Ariana Grande. "Hey, Ari." I greeted with a smile.

"Y/N! Hi! How are you?" She asked as she pulled me into a hug. "Oh! This is Camila. I don't know if you've met or not." I was about to explain that I had in fact met Camila but the smaller Latina jumped in before I could.

"We haven't. Nice to meet you, Y/N." She smiled, putting her hand out for me to shake. She sent a sly wink my way letting me know to play along.

"You too, Camila." After some more small talk, Ari excused herself from the two of us and made her way to see some other people. "So we don't know each other?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not publicly. Well, now we do." She laughed, sipping her drink.

"I know, but it was just Ari." I laughed, grabbing a champagne flute from one of the waiters who walked by.

"Doesn't matter. No one can know about this. That was part of the NDA you signed?" She seemed curious as to why I was so confused.

"Honestly I didn't even read it. I trusted my team." I told her. "Didn't seem like you read it either."

"Well, I didn't. Doesn't matter if I did or not, my label wouldn't change it." Camila shrugged. "I don't know about your label, maybe they actually listen to you."

"I mean...I don't know. I've never had an issue with them."

"Shit. There are some labels that aren't toxic still, huh?" She laughed humorlessly. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I knew there was something else going on but I chose to ignore it. For now. "Well, we've been here for almost an hour. Wanna get going?" She asked, breaking the silence that had settled.

"Uh, yeah sure. I parked outside. They told me you were dropped off." Camila nodded and grabbed my hand, leading me out. "Shouldn't we say bye?"

"No. That makes this getaway seem less spontaneous." I nodded even though I knew she couldn't see me, and allowed her to continue tugging me out.


"Stop looking around." Camila whispered, calling my attention back to her. "You're being obvious." She took a sip of her banana milkshake before resting her head on my shoulder again. "Put your arm around me or something. You look unnatural."

"I didn't know there were this many rules." I muttered, lowkey rolling my eyes.

"Just act like we're on a date. You wouldn't be looking for cameras if you were." She told me, looking up at me from my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her, letting her play with my fingers as they dangled from her shoulder.

"You're good at this. You should've been an actor instead." I joked, causing her to chuckle.

"Well, we gotta make it believable. This is basically how I'm coming out so..." She told me. "I know you don't get this whole thing but just try."

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