just a distraction // s.g.

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requested by anonymous: I don't know if u also write about Sam, I hope u do, and if u do, can u write an imagine about Sam and the reader chilling in his room (Sam is not dating Kat) and they get into a deep conversation which ends up with a hot make out session?

POV: First person, Y/N, She/her pronouns

trigger warning: cursing????, fluff, light smut, sam and kat are not dating

word count: 1352


I laid my head back against the head rest of my seat. I was parked outside my best friend's apartment, considering not going up to see him. I had called him an hour ago, telling him I was upset with something that just happened and that I really needed to vent. He said I could come over. But now, sitting outside his place... I felt like maybe I was being a burden, or just too over-dramatic.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I glanced down at it, seeing a message pop up.

Sam: are you almost here?

I smiled, opening the message and responding.

Y/N: yeah. just pulled in. heading up now.

I got out of my car, and walked to the entrance of his place, buzzing up to him. The door clicked open and I walked through the lobby and to the elevator. I clicked the fourth button and went to his floor. I followed the hallway down to his place, knocking on his door twice.

The door swung open, revealing Sam with a light smile on his face. He was in red sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Hey Y/N. Come in." He moved to the side, allowing me through.

I walked in and went to his couch, sitting down lazily. Sam chuckled at my expression as he changed his LED lights to a soft pink color.

He sat down next to me, his legs crossed on the couch. "So... what's wrong?"

"Hayden." I mumbled.

Sam rolled his eyes. "What did he do now?"

"Let me show you." I hissed.

I pulled out my phone and went to Instagram. I scrolled to the picture and handed my phone to Sam.

"I think he's trying to win an award for 'worst ex ever'." I groaned.

Sam stared down at my phone, a confused look on his face. "Isn't that your friend Sarah?"

"Yep. And she's making out with Hayden. At the Santa Monica Pier. Which is where our first date was." I scoffed.

"'like i would miss you lol'..." Sam mumbled, reading the caption.

"I blocked him on everything, only for him to show up on Sarah's page. I love that for me." I smiled sarcastically.

"Why is she with him?" Sam asked.

"Who knows? All I know is she was one of the only people that knew how much of a shit he was to me the whole time we dated. And yet she's with him. I was gonna call her but I'm too upset to do it. I'll probably just curse her out and look like a fucking crazy person." I sighed.

Sam shook his head. "No. You're not crazy for being upset. You have every right to be pissed off. This is low of him and her."

"I just thought I was over him..." I insisted quietly.

"You guys were together for a year. Give yourself some time." He replied.

"I don't think I'm just upset at this, though. I'm also upset that nothing got resolved. I told him how much he hurt me and his response was 'well break up with me then'. And I did. I don't regret doing that. I'm just annoyed that he never apologized." I explained, fidgeting with my rings.

smut // sam and colbyWhere stories live. Discover now