your shitty ex // c.b.

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prompt: partying at the trap house should have been fun, but your terrible ex showed up. colby pretends to be your boyfriend, and then gives you the boyfriend treatment you deserve.

POV: first person, Y/N, she/her pronouns, plus size reader

trigger warning: self-deprecation/doubt, asshole!ex, like seriously... he's the fucking worst, overprotective!colby, party scene, drinking, cursing, SMUT, light body worship/appreciation, so many 'sweethearts' and 'darlings'

word count: 5894


"Colby, recite the alphabet backwards in twenty seconds, and if not, drink three times." Sam stated.

"What?! How am I supposed to do that?" Colby exclaimed sassily.

"Come on, it's not that hard." Sam retorted.

Colby sighed, "Z-X-Y-W-"

Sam cut him off. "Brother, you already fucked up."

Colby rolled his eyes dramatically, causing us all to bust out laughing as he took a long sip of his drink.

I had been friendly with Sam and Colby for about a year now, thanks to being good friends with Katrina. This was the first time I had ever been over their house during a huge party; a real "Trap House party", as they described it. The music was loud and there were people all over their backyard chilling, dancing, and playing in the pool.

We all decided to stick together, playing a drinking game called 'Piccolo'. It was fun but lead to us finishing our drinks really fast.

"I'm all out. Do you wanna go in with me to get another?" Kat asked me, shaking her empty White Claw can at me.

I nodded, getting up with her. "Sure."

Colby chimed in. "Can you grab me another?"

"We'll think about it!" Kat yelled back as we walked further away.

As we trudged through the doors and into the dining room/kitchen area, Kat turned back to me. "So, how are you enjoying yourself?"

"I'm doing alright for the most part. I do feel a bit... out of place, though." I mentioned vaguely.

"What why?" Kat questioned.

Shit, I shouldn't have said that.

As a bigger bodied person, you kind of become observant to your surroundings, noticing when you're the only one like you in the general area. But I was trying to be better, not to be so self-conscious. I had been doing better recently, but I couldn't shake the feeling of knowing how much size I was taking up.

I didn't want Kat to know why I felt the way I did. I didn't want pity.

"Um, well, I just feel like I'm the only non-influencer here. I guess I just feel a bit... under-dressed. Not to mention I hate big crowds." I semi-lied.

"First off, you look great. And secondly, you have nothing to worry about." Kat grabbed two drinks from the fridge, handing me one. "A lot of people here are friends with Sam and Colby and aren't judgey towards people that aren't influencers. Just try to have fun tonight, okay? You deserve it."

I grabbed another White Claw from the fridge for Colby. "I'll do my best."

Sliding back through the doors, we got back over to the tiki hut were Sam and Colby were sitting. I handed Colby his drink and he nodded at me.

smut // sam and colbyWhere stories live. Discover now