what a tease // c.b.

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prompt: colby has always been the dominant one in the relationship, and you were fine with that. but then one night, you get to take control.

POV: First person, Y/N, She/her pronouns

trigger warning: pure fucking smut, like literally porn, handcuffs, vibrator usage, lingerie, cursing, unprotected sex

word count: 2767


It all started with a suggestion. An idea you had.

You and Colby had been together for almost a year now, and your sex lives were fantastic. Colby knew exactly what to do to get you off, to give you everything you wanted and more. And you knew exactly what to do to make Colby go crazy. You had never met a man that wanted to give you pleasure as much as Colby did. And you loved making Colby lose it; something about the way he looked as he pounded into you made you instantly wet any time you thought about it.

You worked perfectly together because Colby was dominant and commanding, and you just loved submitting to everything he asked for, with some occasional teasing of course.

But secretly, you always loved the idea of being the dominant one. Before you guys had ever dated, you had had dreams of him begging to fuck you, pleading with you to let him taste you for even just a second. It was always in the back of your mind because Colby didn't really show that side of himself. You would see it sporadically, like when you would take too long to let his cock slide inside you, a slight whine leaving his lips; or even when you would slowly ease yourself down on him with your mouth, knowing damn well he was ready to bust at any second.

So, one night you brought it up to him. You asked him very nonchalantly about it, about the idea of him allowing you to be in 100% control. And at first, he was a bit hesitant, thrown off by your notion. But he sat there as you guys continued to watch a movie, and by the end, he said he wouldn't mind it once. You both agreed that when he was ready for it, he would let you know.

And so, you waited. And waited. It wasn't like you needed to dominate him, but the thought was growing more and more in your mind. What would you do? How would you tease him? And most importantly, what would you wear?

Then finally, he agreed. One night randomly, he said he was ready for you to dominate him. He blushed at the words, his dimples appearing as he laughed through the sentence. It felt a little weird on his end to say it, even though it was something you had said before on several occasions. But he was ready for you. He was ready to see what you would do to him.

Or... at least he thought he was.

Colby leaned back against his headboard, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. He was excited to see what you were wearing, even if he was planning to take it off in a matter of minutes.

You glanced at yourself in the mirror one more time, taking in your appearance with a deep breath. You had thought to buy a red and black lingerie set, knowing that that combo was sexy, but something about this white number that you had on made you feel like a porn star. The bra hugged your breasts in the best way, the lace delicately tracing your curves. The thong and garter belt, uncomfortable as it sort of was, made you feel like throwing money at yourself. You tugged at your thigh highs, feeling them stretch a little more up your thigh. Your heels clicked on the floor as you shuffled, your eyes following your hips as they moved back and forth. You clicked your tongue, nodded to yourself, and walked out of Colby's bathroom.

His head immediately shot up as you stepped out. His eyes raked over your body, taking in every beautiful inch of your skin. His lips twitched, a little smirk hiding in the corner of his mouth.

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