complicated // c.b. (pt 2)

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A/N: told you there would be a part two just not in the way you expected haha

prompt: time has passed since you and sam hooked up, and all seems well. except now... colby is upset with you for some unknown reason. || fem!reader x colby brock

POV: First person, Y/N, she/her

trigger warning: SMUT, angst, jealous!colby, possessive!colby, he's still really sweet tho, you guys were out clubbing so... tipsy/drunk sex, mentions of: baby, good girl, darling, cursing, quasi-public sex, could almost get caught, lots of teasing (both sexually and non), mentions of colby having seen you and sam hooking up, sweet ending :)

word count: 3066


The morning after Sam and I had sex was awkward to say the least.

We both ignored each other, which was easy since Sam and Colby had many calls and business related things to do. And I, being their assistant, had my own tasks at hand for the following week to start.

But when Sam and I were finally able to sit down and talk about it, it went surprisingly well.

We came to two very important conclusions: one, while we had fun, we weren't going to ever do it again. We cared too much about our friendship to let sex ruin it. Plus the spark really had only been there that night.

And two, we were to never tell Colby.

Everything seemed good for a while. Life got back into the swing of things; Sam and Colby were traveling, I was handling the business side while they were gone. Normal, boring life occurred.

But all the while, I had this strange feeling. Maybe it was due to the fact that Colby had grown cold towards me, almost standoffish. He sometimes would keep to himself, that wasn't unusual; but his demeanor around me became stiff, almost like he was upset at me.

I wanted to confront him, ask him what was wrong, but it never felt like the right time. When the right time finally did come, it was during a couple days stretch where the boys had off. One night when we went out and both came home empty handed, I decided to finally ask him.

His answer was not at all what I was expecting, but in a way it was the one I wanted to hear all along.

I wanted the truth and now I was finally getting it.


"No way. I cannot believe you used to run away from cops for a living." Nicole, Sam's new... friend, said as we walked into Sam and Colby's house.

A playful look rested on Sam's face as he nodded. "Yeah, and we did it pretty well."

"Up until you got arrested." I chimed in, smirking.

She gasped. "Oh my God, you got arrested? For what?"

"Breaking and entering. And fake ids." Colby explained.

"Woah woah, the fake ids were just a you charge, Colby." Sam replied defensively.

"And that was the first and last time Sam and Colby were separated ever again." I quipped.

Colby turned to look at Sam, a faux-pained expression on his face. "I just can't quit you."

"Me neither, brother." Sam sniffled, pretending to hold back tears. The both placed hands on each others' shoulders, giving a tight squeeze.

Nicole glanced back and forth at Sam, Colby, and me, amused. "You guys are so funny. I have been having such a blast all night."

"I'm happy to entertain you for as long as you'd like." Sam lowered his voice to an almost sultry tone, moving to her side.

smut // sam and colbyWhere stories live. Discover now