(no) farther than friends // c.b.

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requested by @/cncogirl18 on tumblr: Since I'm turning 21 and can finally drink and go to the club I was wondering if you can do a smut where Colby likes me and I like him and Kat, Sam and Colby take me to the club and Colby drink but not too much, later on we admit we like each other and it turns into sex?

POV: Second person, She/her pronouns

trigger warnings: smut, drinking, club scene, friends-to-lovers, graphic language

word count: 2169


The relationship you had with Colby was magnetic, alluring, but strictly platonic. However, that wasn't what you wanted.

Not anymore at least.

First time you met Colby, you could feel a spark growing within your chest, hoping that flame was in his too. And it was, to your delight. You relied on each other in a more than comfortable way. That wasn't something either one of you were used to; getting close so quickly. But when you two just clicked for each other, you didn't fight it. You allowed the connection to happen.

But you never let it get farther than friends.

Everyone could tell you guys wanted more from each other. The flirting between you two was sometimes unbearable, going on for a nauseating amount of time. Colby loved the way you would roll your eyes at his words, and you loved how a light blush always rested on his cheeks as you spoke. The chemistry between you two was like a fire, and it never completely fizzled out, even when you took a break from the flirting. The stolen glances, the light caresses, the hidden smiles... it was almost too hot to handle.

You always wondered what the next step would look like for you and Colby. Would it be a relationship, or just sex? You weren't sure, and that uncertainty made your stomach churn. Regardless of your feelings for him, and possibly his for you, you didn't want to risk it. Nothing was worth losing Colby over... not even sex.

Even if that sex was going to be good... because you just knew it was going to be.

When the urge to get with Colby would hit you, you would step back, try a breathing exercise, and go talk to Kat. She was your go-to when it came to Colby. As lovely as it would have been to talk to Sam about how much you wanted to get with Colby, Kat always had the best words for you. She would tell you to take it slow, relax... you have time to be with him.

But then one day, she changed her mind.

"You should go for it!" She yelled over the loud music of the club.

You shot her a confused look. "What?"

"You heard me. You should go for it." She smirked, flipping her pink hair behind her shoulder and motioning towards Colby.

You glanced over at Colby, out on the dancefloor with a random girl. She was pretty, she looked kind. And you kind of hated her for it.

Over the years of you knowing Colby, he had been with quite a few women. At first, you didn't think twice about it. It was his life and he was your friend; who cares who he was sleeping with? But in the past couple months, any time he even mentioned a girl, deep jealousy would come over you, with a side of envy that you didn't like admitting to either. When he would talk about a girl he was into, you would get quiet, shut down, and just nod along to what he was saying. He eventually stopped talking to you about girls, and you liked it better that way. The bliss in ignorance.

After taking a long sip of your drink, you stuttered out. "No, I can't. It-it would be too awkward."

"Colby and you have been flirting for how long? It's ridiculous that you allow him to be with anyone else." Kat rolled her eyes sassily.

smut // sam and colbyWhere stories live. Discover now