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By the time they got home, everyone's energy was drained. Peter was curled up on the backseat, Harley watched the world flash by through the passenger window, and Tony drove with a stony expression, his emotions hid under the rock wall.

On the news, you saw about the lives of celebrities, and the many pictures they have circulating the internet- but no one ever took into consideration that all those pictures, at least three more cameras were shoved into their face.

They couldn't go out without being mobbed, had to book private activities, making new friends that weren't other celebrities was almost impossible, since all they saw where this famous person with an appearance that might not be the truth.

Their lives are not private, if they get in trouble with police it ruins their reputation, if they break up the news outlets eat it up and spit out a twisted version of it- and the haters and critics judged every flaw, talent, and inch of skin they had. It was like playing badminton but the other team had rackets and you had a piece of paper.

It got stressful when you are famous, and since this is Peters first-ever interaction with cameras shoved in his face and people screaming in his ears, he was blinded and tense. How do you go from being a no-one-nerd from Queens to a mysterious media-attraction who hung out with Tony Stark? He felt like Ed Sheeran.

..... Time skip to during dinner .....

Once there was some food in his stomach though, Peter had plenty of hyper energy.

Peter walks into the kitchen to get seconds, chanting "I want sum chicken chicken I want sum chicken chicken" as the conversation at the table flows fluidly, continuing to talk until Peter gasps. "Where'd all the chicken go?!" He exclaimed, looking around the counter to see if some were hiding anywhere.

"It ran away!" Yelled Harley. Peter looked at him from where he stood.

"How could it run away if it had no legs?" He said. Harley shrugged.

"It slithered."

The table burst into laughter as Harley and Peter wiggled like a snake, saying in unison, "I'm a snnnekkkkkkk."

And then there was Loki, who gave them an approving nod.

Peter sat back down with substitute food of a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerio's, then listened to everyone talk as he played with the cereal, pushing all the Cheerio's undermilk with his spoon, and when they bounce back to the surface, getting frustrated and making it a challenge, where he will beat those stupid Cheerio's and he will win.

Thor, who sits across from him, was frowning in confusion (and slight concern) while watching Peter struggle, literally make growling noises at his bowl of milked Almonds (Stupid Harley and his Vegan-izm) and tiny donught breads.

He was confused, yes, but also kinda grateful he was born on Asgard. The people on earth and their customs are weird. It was a bit unsettling.

While everyone was either conversing, listening to Harry Styles sing 'Anna' in their head (*cough cough Harley), snarl at their bowl of Cheerio's to show dominance or whatever else, no one noticed how Clint was eyeing the half-eaten Chicken breast on Natashas plate.

So, not so subtly with his tongue between his teeth, Clint reached over, the fork extended, and-- Now's my chance she's looking away! Clint thought, and he stabbed the chicken.

And Natasha, without looking at him, grabbed his withdrawing hand and making him cry out as she pushed her thumb onto his pressure point and making him release the fork.

Then, with a dangerous kind of calm, she said in a low voice, "Wanna try that again?"

Clint shook his head quickly and resembled very much like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar at the moment.

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