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The class start to shush each other as Angela turns to them, putting on a tour guide smile.

"Next we will be going to Exhibit: Clint. Or Hawkeye as you may know him."

"Why is it called Clint?" Asks Cindy, raiding her hand.

Angela smiles. "That's a good question! See, if you have been paying attention, the places we've visited so far have been labelled after different Avengers, or people. The last one we went to, the training room, was labelled 'Lang', because Scott Lang, also known as Ant-Man, needs training. You see... Mr. Stark has quite a sense of humour. That is why this next exhibit, is for fails."

The class was roaring with laughter.

She leads them all through a door where they spend 30 minutes looking at failed inventions.


"Stark is so going to get it later," growls Clint in the vents. He looks across to Natasha, who gives him a look.

"And what are you going to do Clarissa? Threaten him with a bagel?"

"Shut it!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" He mocked in a high pitch.

"That's it-" Natasha tackles him to the bottom of the vents, then sees the grate underneath him and does the only reasonable thing. She punches it open and pushes Clint down it. He yells on the way down, and lands on a kid with a red shirt, the others in the group screaming at the sudden drop.

"You're so going to get it!" He screams after her, tears in his eyes as Nat simply snickers, crawling away in the vents to plot Hawkeyes next loss.


"Alright, sooo next we're going to see is Tony Stark's private lab, and I'd like to remind all of you before we continue the waivers you signed read you are not allowed to spill what they're working on."

A girl raised her hand. "They?"

"Yes, Tony Stark And his... ah... assistant."

Flash laughed. "So he does have an assistant! Guess it proves Peter was lying!"

Angela frowned, but kept talking and explaining.

"So you are not allowed to take any photos, videos or physical evidence of what you will see or you could be in a lot of trouble by Tony Stark. I'd like to remind you that he was the one that gave you all permission to see what you're about to see, and... well you'll know why. Now, what you are about to see is classified, so you are not allowed to share any of the information you will be exposed to. You all signed waivers before coming saying the exact same thing. So you've had your warning. Do not take a picture or video. Got it?" She said, and the class looked a bit afraid of what she's meaning. They all nod nonetheless.

"What are we going to see?" Jamie says to Lisa, who shrugs.

"Hope it doesn't kill us." Is all she said. "Hope it doesn't... kill us." She repeated under her breath, then slightly sighs. Jamie nodded in agreement at her silent wish.

"You are all teenagers." Angela starts to speak again. "So I assum -and hope- you are old enough to understand our rule of not using your phone. Am I correct?"

The class nods.

"She just called Mr. Harrison a teenager," Whispers Abe with a undertone of humor.


The teens and Mr. Harrison all avoid touching their phone, even brushing it with their fingers as some sort of safety measure, like she'd catch them touching it and escort them to a meat grinder for humans or something.

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