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Class 3rd person POV

The inside was all clean, sterile and fancy, yet had an aura of home to it. There were at least 6 entry guards, and one at every corner or door. The ones that caught the teens glancing away in fear at their intimidating stances, tried to relax and gave them a genuine smile, which did calm the class. Well, sort of.

"What if they smile at every person that comes in, and one time it just happens to be a murderer—" Lisa, one of Peters classmates voices their opinion to their friend, who cut her off.

"Seriously? Murderer?" Jamie Said, raiding his eyebrows.

"Shut up," she hisses.

"You shut up."

"Hi Midtown Of Science And Technology, welcome to the Avengers tower!" Exclaimed a lady with black hair that was smiling at them.

"Do we clap?" Whispered Lisa.

"Everyone else is..."

"My name is Thao-vi, and I'm to get you all your badges and such since our tour guide is running a bit later than usual."

Lisa followed the group with Jamie by her side. "Why do you think she's late?" Jamie Asked.

"Maybe her family died," she said. Jamie gave her a horrified look.

"Why is that always the first thing you think of?"

"It is not," she balked.

"It is."

"Is not."

"Is is."

"That isn't proper—"

"Grammar? See , we're such good friends I can finish your sentences."

"That was totally planned by you. You made me say that on purpose."

"Pfshh, What are you talking about?"

"You know, you're really dumb."

"And you aren't?"

"No I am, just you're dumber."

"Well you're dumbererer!"

"Point: proven."

"Well- h-hey, where'd the group go?"

They looked around and started to panic. Among the mass of people, they couldn't see Mr. Harrison, or Thao-Vi, or even Flash or anyone they recognize. Jamie grabbed Lisa's arm. "Ohmygod LiLi What do we do?"

She rolled her eyes at Jamie's scared voice and frightened face. "Calm down, we can just go ask the front desk peeps. Besides if we get stuck here all night we can just hang out in the vents with our bags."

They walked over a bit hesitantly to the front desk peeps, who are one boy and a girl, who are speaking to each other.

"Never say never. I mean, you never know, Joey and Rachel could have a kid together," Says the brunet guy.

"Never going to happen! What I really want to see is some Rachel and Monica. Now that's the good stuff, and I like, so ship it." Said the blonde lady.

"You're such a perve." Brunet countered, smirking as he started to imagine it. Blonde wrinkled her nose at his far away look.

"That isn't perversion. And I'm lesbian, Carl-- Hi, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there..." She trailed off as he saw how young they were. "Uh, fans aren't allowed in, but if you buy yourself a tour you can see the building." She said kindly.

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