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If Wanda where to read his mind at the moment, all she'd here was AhhhHHHahHHHHHHHhhhHHhhHHHhhhhhhhhHhHhhHhhhhhhhhHHHhhhhhHHhHhhh!


'Peter Parker was an amazing boy, nephew, and son, and it is so heartbreaking that he had to die this way'.

And why?

He's going on a field trip! Yay! Not. (*Insert Harry Wells from the Flash*).

How could he have forgotten!?!

He was going on a field trip to the tower, to his home. This is literally where he lived. Maybe he could persuade Tony to let him stay home...

Dad loves to embarrass me, there's no way he'd let me stay, only if it was my birthday that day or something! he thinks. Then he freezes.


With a new yearning to live that wasn't there before, he skipped into the tower lobby side entrance, waving hello to Daniel and the others who worked there. Then he got into an elevator and began practicing how he'd convince Tony to let him stay. So far, he had:

It's my birthday! *puppy eyes*.

Maybe it'll work. Maybe. Plus, if everything goes wrong, at least he'll have the whole weekend (because the field trip is on Friday) to plan his escape.


There was a thud from the hallway which got Tony's attention. He sighed and walked over to help Peter, who'd fallen over up. "You've gotta be careful with that thing, it's very precious and can determine your life."

Natasha looked over at them. "What is, Peter or what he's holding?" She said.

Peter left Tony behind and came jogging into the room with his regular wide smile. To Bucky, it seemed like this kid was always happy.

"Probably his homework, it's why he's smiling." Pietro sasses playfully.

"You're happy you got homework?" Asks Natasha with eyebrows raised.

"No..." He starts sheepishly.

"I'd like to know what it is then--" Starts Tony but someone interrupts.

"And us," Interjects Clint from where he's clipping his toenails on a stool, his tongue between his teeth.

"Urgh! Go do that somewhere else!" Tony says in disgust, not for the first time wondering why (and how) this bird-thing is still even alive.

"This is what it is," Peter says and hands Tony a sheet.

His eyes skim over it for a few seconds until he busts out laughing. Clint, suddenly interested, snatches the paper from his hands. "Lemme see." The others crowd around him to read it, wondering what is so funny it made Tony Stark laugh. Then they laugh themselves.

"Do I have to go? Please don't make me go," Peter whines, using his puppy eyes on Tony. Tony tries to shield his eyes, but it was too late by then. He'd already been convinced by just Peters look.

"You don't have to go only because it's your birthday on that day. And because your puppy eyes power is too OP. Also! Peter Your birthday is in a week!" He exclaims, and the others smile. Except Clint.

"Awww I wanted to embarrass him!"

"There will be plenty more chances for you to do that later," Nat says. "Plus, isn't Harley coming on that day for a visit?"

Peter (and the others) perk up, their attention caught. "Harley? Where's Harley?" Peter asks, suddenly starting to vibrate. Tony sighs. Those two are going to drive him crazy.

"Harley is coming in a week, the same day as your birthday. He can only stay for two days though since he is very busy this time of year at MIT. So he's only staying for two days, so don't start a prank war you can't finish." Tony looks at Peter sternly, enunciating each word slowly so Peter can understand. He understood, but it didn't mean he accepted.

"No promises."

Tony groans, putting his head in his hands. Then he looks up at Peter again with a broken mind. "Please don't be crazy when he's here this time."

Peter has a wide smile. A too wide smile. An unnatural one. "Request heard; request denied."

"BOOM!" Yells Clint. The others snicker.

"Dad, prepare to die in one week. No... you will wish you could die. But you can't." Peter grins.

"I could just jump off a cliff," Tony mutters. "That'll be merciful for what you and him might do."

Peter flings himself onto Tony, using his power as a much-loved son to persuade Tony to live through the misery he will bring. "No dad! Please don't go! I don't want you to leave!" He tries to make his voice wobble.

Tony hugs him back. "I won't. I'll live through it. Hopefully I'll survive. And I'm not going to actually do that Pete."

"You promise?" Peter asks. "You won't leave?"

Don't smirk don't smirk don't smirk!


He smirks.

Peter giggles and Tony realizes his mistake. He just swore he wouldn't leave during the torture. He stared open-mouthed at this boy, who somehow has managed to trick him. trick the Tony Stark.

The others in the room of course, found it absolutely hilarious. Clint was even crying.

Tony set his jaw and grabbed the stupid slip, signing it as 'absent' and dropping it on Peter, who was rolling on the floor, saying to himself, "I gotta save my energy, gotta save my evil, gotta save it for Har, need to save it for later!" But was still laughing his head off and clutching his stomach.

"You ever heard of the story about the boy who cried wolf?" Tony said, staring down at him. Peter took 10 seconds to make understandable sentences.

"Y-yeah, But-t this was only o-once! And I did m-mean it, Dad, I don't want you to- to die," he said between chuckles. "But you still promised!" Then he started laughing loudly again.

Tony 'humphed' furiously and stalked out of the room, ignoring the Avengers crying on the floor in front of him and the one who tried to grab his pant leg. (I.e Clint, who got a small kick in the face for doing so.)

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