The Divine Drink

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I suddenly remembered the drink while returning to the peaceful corner in the chamber. I picked up the glass and gulped down the drink quickly. I didn't taste too good, but not too bad either. Tolerable. But even before I could keep the glass down, I heard the door open with a thud. I turned around instantly, fearing for the worst. 

Pitashree. "My son!!", he ran to me and hugged me tight. "I'll talk to her.. No.. I'll order her to take the curse back. Don't worry dear. I couldn't imagine she would go this far with this.." The hug was almost comforting till I felt like my hands were having a light burning feeling... As Pitashree went on trying to soothe me with various words and assurances I couldn't follow up with anything that he was saying, because the burning in my hands were continuously increasing. Not just on my palms, but my shoulders too were having the same burning feeling. I slowly pushed him away and straightened myself. What is happening?? Coming to Heaven doesn't mandate death, right? And... Urvashi's curse is not supposed to take effect now..? Then, what IS happening?! Little did I know that the shock/surprise of my life was awaiting me...

"Son... what's wrong?", Pitashree asked me, worried at my unease. I slowly brought my hands closer o my eyes and murmured, "I really have no damn bit of clue.." I realized that the choice of words was a bit inappropriate but any tad of remorse which I might have had soon evaporated into nothing as I watched the miracle take place on my fingertips intently. The scars on my palm, due to years of archery practice and wars, were slowly fading off, giving way to a new layer of FINE skin, although the complexion remained the same. I soon realized that the same was happening with my shoulder. Tentatively, I let my eyes roam over all the visible battle scars on my body-- all of them were slowly disappearing. But soon enough I realized by body's wild hunger for more and more air, as I gulped down a few large inhales. I was almost suffocating, as I plopped down onto the bed. As I wrung my hands together, trying to find an outlet for the weird slight burnings at the scar and the breathlessness, I realized that I was sweating profusely, as well. I looked up at Pitahshree, and noticed him gulp nervously. I raised my eyebrows questioningly at him. "Um.. You should take a bath, son... Trust me, that really helps.." What??!! "That means you of course know what is happening. And, that also means that I am neither dying, nor is the curse taking effect or anything as calamitous as that.. What's wrong then?!", my voice lowered to a whisper at the end, instead of rising. Maybe I was scared. Indeed I was...

"Of course dear. I know what is happening.. But nothing is going wrong. Whatever was wrong with your body is getting back into place. That's it.. It will be over soon, and I assure you, once it is over you will be better than ever before... I wish you would have brought my daughter-in-law as well...", he trailed off slowly. I frowned in confusion, but decided to do as advised. I nodded and got up to quickly get to the snaangrah, in the same so-called 'Guest quarters' where I have been staying. 

The lavish arrangements inside the snaangrah weren't too different from those back at home. Indeed, the name Indraprastha was totally justified, and thanks to that fact, I am not suffering much here. As I lounged in the cool waters I felt the burns reduce considerably and gradually completely vanish, as if they were never there at the first place. Same with the scars. The breathlessness and heavy sweating also stopped and I did feel healthier, stronger and fresher. But, the strangest part was my throat. At first place, it didn't burn or anything-- as it should have been, considering the course of action of whatever was doing the healing job in my body. Then suddenly, it started feeling cold. I touched it and could really feel how cold it was.. Now, what is this!? I quickly dressed up in the new set of light silver-embroidered dhoti and angavastram; no ornaments; and nearly dashed to the polished super-shiny-metal mirror. My reflection stunned me to absolute silence...

My cold throat was not just cold, but BLUE. As in real blue. Not like some external dye. But, it reminded me of the lessons on bioluminescence in Gurukul, demonstrated by fire-flies. It was as if my throat was giving off a blue light from within, which was concentrated to the front. Oh so help me, Divine forces; WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I stared fixedly at my reflection for some more time, inspecting each and every other inch of it carefully. Finding no such huge transformations, I slowly left the snaangrah and headed to my alloted chamber. In the centre of the huge bed lay a tiny note. "Kindly come to the Nandankanan, son. There's a decorated platform in the centre with sitting arrangements all around. You'll understand where. All the Devas will be waiting... ~Your beloved father.."

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