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Dearest Readers,

Shiva is a nice name, right? Is it alright if I call him Shiva straightaway instead of the cover called Arjuna, now on..? Please say yes/no. (And I know that the 'Shiva is a nice name' line is pretty ridiculous. I don't intend to offend anybody's religious or mythological beliefs. This is just a work of fiction -- You already know right?) 

~With curiosity and love, Bristi <3


The trio entered the RajSabha, as all pairs of eyes - thoroughly curious, turned towards them. "Why is Arjuna wearing this cravat? Is it that 'cold'?!", Bheema whisper-yelled into Nakula's ear. Nakula's chuckle was over-rid when Sahdeva very quietly said, "I think something big is about to happen.", his eyes gazing intently into oblivion, making it clear that he was sensing some sort of a future. Bheema and Nakula frowned, as Sahdeva continued his frantic search, trying to look into the future with his special intuitiveness. 

Arjuna walked straight up to Yudhishthira, who was not sitting on his throne, rather standing at the base of the hoist of stairs leading to the throne-dais. Krishna and Krishnaa greeted the whole Sabha - folding there hands in a formal Pranipaat and bowing. All the guests were also present in the RajSabha. Bhishma and Dronacharya  exchanged pensive glances, they could sense some sort of a change in their dear Arjuna. The first stage of this change was visible during their previous visit only -- it seemed as if an added aura of honour was brightening up his already noble personality. But this time, they could literally observe the added glow to his bronze skin, and of course both of them noticed the absence of the battle scars that glorified his warrior persona. Not a single one, they both observed intently. But the cravat was conspicuous enough to draw all the attention and suspicions to itself. And the air of aura around him seemed to have charged up further. They had always felt this charged aura round the Yajnaseni, but diverting their gazes to her, they realized that her aura also seemed to have charged up further. Yajnaseni was supposed to be Nityayuvani, thus she never aged, but suddenly they realized that the same was probably true for Arjuna too, obviously after a certain age. And, maybe, just maybe, for Vasudeva Krishna too. They were not mere mortals, no way. How had they not noticed this before? They knew something big was about to happen. Thus, they waited with bated breath.

After taking permission from Yudhishthira to make a very important announcement, Arjuna went a few steps up the hoist of stairs to the throne dais. The action stunned every single being in the Sabha, except for Krishna, Krishnaa and Yudhishthira too- because Arjuna had taken his permission for doing so. 

Standing there, Arjuna faced the whole Sabha. His eyes swept over each face in the Sabha. They all were either his close-knit family, including his official wives; his relatives; the higher officials of the capital, including his 'four most trusted men'; his revered elders; friends or brothers. He knew this would be a real big deal, but one assuring eye-bat from his beloved and a calming smile from his best friend -- and, he was ready.

His left hand went straight to his cravat, slow but steady. It was then that Nakula happened to notice that although Krishna was in his full official attire, Arjuna and Krishnaa weren't wearing much of jewelries or even the crowns. He frowned a bit, but soon dismissed the thought, as the glorious scene unfolded in front of his eyes.

Arjuna slowly removed the cravat from his throat, revealing the unworldly blue radiance from behind it. A deadly silence descended on the RajSabha, as Krishna and Krishnaa smiled at each other and then reassuringly at Arjuna. No, Shiva. That's what they decided to call him then on.

His eyes were focused on his beloved's beautiful and comforting smile and her bright blue eyes, while his ears strained to catch a single gasp from the congregation -- but all he heard was deadly silence. The first sound he heard was a clatter. Krishnaa and Arjuna's eyes immediately zoomed to the source of the noise. 

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