Chapter I

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On the cloning world of Kamino, a TIE Fighter Advanced lands on the landing platform to one of many cloning facilities on the rain covered world. Two lines of Stormtroopers stand opposite of each other in salute as Darth Vader exits the TIE Fighter. As Darth Vader enters the cloning facility, he makes his way large room, with a large, round cell set into the floor. Inside the cell, a clone of Blake Belladonna looks up to see the Dark Lord looming over her. 

Blake: How long this time?

Darth Vader: Thirteen days in isolation. Impressive. 

Blake: The Force gives me all I need. 

Darth Vader: The Force? 

Blake turns her head as her cat ears began to fold. 

Blake: The Dark Side, my master. 

Darth Vader: Come. 

Darth Vader then opens the clone's cell. As Blake was raised into the room, she approaches the Dark Lord. 

Darth Vader: Blake Belladonna's Jedi mentor has been captured. 

Blake: Cal Kestis?

Darth Vader: Yes. When your training is complete, you will travel to Cato Neimoidia and execute him. 

When Darth Vader finishes his sentence, Blake begins to hear voices echoing in her head. Darth Vader knew exactly what was going on. 

Darth Vader: You are still haunted by visions.

Blake: Yes, master. I...I sometimes smell a forest on fire. I see Cal Kestis fighting, and I feel the ground shake as a starship crashes around me. I...I hear a woman's voice when I try to sleep.

Darth Vader: They are memories of a dead girl. A side effect of the cloning process and the memory flashes used to train you. They will fade. 

Blake: And if they don't?

Darth Vader: Then you will be of no use to me. 

Darth Vader then uses the Force to release Blake from her binds. As she was released from her binds, the clone of Blake back away slightly from the Dark Lord. 

Darth Vader: Blake Belladonna's emotions made her weak. You must destroy what she created. 

Darth Vader then presents two identical Lightsabers to Blake. As she activates her crimson Lightsabers, training droids began to enter the room. 

Darth Vader: And you must learn to hate what she loved. 

As Darth Vader said that, the training droids began to take on the appearance of Rebel soldiers. One of them turned into former Imperial pilot and lover of Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long. In that moment, Blake's first training exercise had begun as Darth Vader backed away. As the Rebel soldiers fired on Blake, she began to cut them down the Rebel soldiers. As she cuts down the Rebel soldiers, she begins to hear Yang's voice. 

Yang(Voice): You're still loyal to Vader! After he branded me a traitor and tried to kill you!


Blake maintained her composure as she continued to cut down the Rebel soldiers. But as she did so, the voice of Yang began to speak in her head again. 

Yang(Voice): Vader said you were dead....but you came back.

Blake continued to fight the Rebel soldiers as she battled through the visions. Darth Vader watched this battle closely, looking for any possible weakness in this latest clone of his former apprentice. Blake continued to cut down the Rebel soldiers with ease. However, her mind was distracted by the visions of Yang as her voice was heard once more. 

Yang(Voice): Sometime soon, you will decide the fate of the Rebellion, not your master. And when you're faced with that moment, just remember that I too was forced to leave behind everything that I've ever known. Please, don't make me leave another life behind. 

Blake soon saw a vision of the first and last kiss shared by Blake and Yang. Blake continued fighting through the visions, not knowing exactly what they meant. When all the Rebel soldiers were struck down, Blake moved to strike Yang. 

Yang: W...wait! Don't!

As Yang pleaded with Blake, Blake stopped as she recognized her. 

Blake: Y...Yang? 

Yang: Yes. It's me!

Seeing Blake's hesitation, Darth Vader steps in. 

Darth Vader: Strike her down. 

Blake: I can't!

Darth Vader: You will! You were created to do my bidding!

As Darth Vader ordered Blake to kill Yang, Blake attempts to force herself to kill Yang. Despite her best efforts, Blake couldn't bring herself to kill Yang, much to Darth Vader's dissatisfaction. Blake deactivated her twin Lightsabers as Vader approached her. Without hesitation, Darth Vader cuts down Yang. As Blake rushed to Yang's side, her form dissipated and was reverted back to the training droid. While Blake was filled with questions about her condition, Darth Vader was simply disappointed.

Darth Vader: Then it is as I feared.

Blake: Why is this happening to me?!

Darth Vader: The accelerated cloning process is still...imperfect. Those who came before you went mad with months. I had hoped that you would be the first success, but it seems that you are to suffer the same fate. 

Blake: What will you do with me?

As Blake questioned the Dark Lord, Vader fell silent with only his mechanical breathing being heard. Blake then experiences a vision of her past self being stabbed in the back by Vader in front of the Emperor. Sensing this as a warning, Blake blasts Darth Vader with a powerful torrent of Force Lightning, leaving the Dark Lord stunned. Seizing the opportunity, Blake  destroys a portion of the wall, allowing her to escape. Darth Vader quickly from Blake's attack, only to find her gone. In that moment, the clone of Blake Belladonna had broken free from Darth Vader and began her escape from Kamino.

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