Chapter III

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After escaping from Kamino, Blake makes her way to Cato Neimoidia to save Cal Kestis. Meanwhile on Cato Neimoidia, Cal Kestis finds himself fighting for his life in a gladiatorial arena in front of a cheering crowd. Cal faces down a group of gladiators eager to kill Cal. Fighting alongside the Gladiators were a group of wild beasts. As the gladiators and beasts charged at him, Cal was able to strike down the gladiators and the beasts without much difficulty. As he stands tall against the gladiators, a tired and weary Cal raises his Lightsaber towards the main box.

Cal: You're running out of executioners, Baron!

Inside the main box, the Baron watches this with dissatisfaction. He then turns to his Neimoidian servant. 

Baron: Try the Corellian Slice Hounds. 

As the Neimoidian servant obeys the Baron's orders, another Neimoidian servant approaches the Baron and informs him of Darth Vader's arrival. Upon hearing this, the Baron stood up from his throne. 

Baron: Assemble a squad in the hanger. I'll meet him there. 

With that, the Baron prepared for Darth Vader's arrival. Meanwhile, Blake had arrived at Cato Neimoidia and lands at the hanger bay where a squadron of Stormtroopers were waiting for her. She could see the Baron approaching the hanger. Blake then exits the TIE Advanced wearing a TIE flight suit. As Blake exited the TIE Advanced, the Baron became confused. 

Baron: I was....expecting Lord Vader.

Blake: He sent me in his stead. The Jedi. Where is he?

Baron: Oh, he's alive. For the moment. He's been in the arena for seven days. 

As the Baron said this, he reaches for his blaster pistol and clutches it behind his back. Suspicious of Blake, the Baron quickly questions her. 

Baron: What are the Imperial security codes for this sector? 

As the Baron questioned Blake, she remained silent. Her silence made the Baron even more suspicious of Blake as he pulls his blaster out and aims it at Blake. The Stormtroopers soon follow the Baron's cue and aim their blasters at Blake. 

Baron: The security codes! Now!

Knowing that she was compromised, Blake activates her twin Lightsabers. Without hesitation, the Baron and the Stormtroopers fired on Blake. Blake was able to deflect the blaster bolts with ease. As Stormtroopers begin to fall around the Baron, the Baron runs away, closing off the bridge in an attempt to trap Blake in the landing pad. It didn't take long for Blake to dispatch the Stormtroopers. She then leaps to the other side of the bridge. By then, alarms begin to blare all across the city. The Baron's voice was soon heard on the city's intercom system. 

Baron(Intercom): Attention citizens! The city is on lockdown! Martial law is now in effect! Return to your homes immediately! 

As waves of Stormtroopers were deployed to stop her, Blake fights through the whole city, refusing to let anything stop her. When Blake reached the tram station, a squadron of Dark Troopers were deployed. 

Blake: Throw as much troops as you wish, Baron! They won't stop me!

The Dark Troopers soon fired upon Blake. Blake was able to defend herself against the barrage of blaster fire from the Dark Troopers. She then moves on the Dark Troopers and cuts them to pieces. After that, Blake gets on board the tram just as it leaves the station. The tram was soon attacked by an Imperial gunship. As the gunship fired on the tram, she grips it using the Force. The gunship then fires a barrage of missiles at Blake, but she stops them in mid air and throws them at the gunship, destroying it. After destroying the gunship, the tram reaches it's destination on the other side of the city. The arena could be seen in the distance. 

Blake: Hang on for just a little longer, Cal.....

As Blake continued to make her way to the arena, she encountered more and more Stormtroopers. As she fought her way through the city, the Baron spoke on the intercom. 

Baron(Intercom): You are an...interesting specimen. Do you realize the opportunity you have? You could be a Grand Champion in my arena. You can have your fill of wine, men or women, and blood. 

Blake ignored the Baron's words as she fought her way through the city. All attempts to stop her quickly failed. Soon enough, Blake reached the arena where Cal had just finished killing another group of gladiators. 

Blake: Cal?

Upon hearing Blake's voice, Cal turned in shock to see Blake alive. 

Cal: Blake? Is that you? By the Force....

Blake: I'm here to help you, Cal. 

As Blake and Cal were reunited, the Baron watched this with anger. He then turned to a Neimoidian servant.

Baron: Send in the Gorog.

Upon hearing the Baron's orders, the Neimoidian servant became silent in shock. 

Neimoidian Servant: lord, the arena's restraints have not been properly tested....

Baron: Open the Borog gate, now!

Left with no choice, the servant followed the Baron's orders. Meanwhile, Blake and Cal prepared for their escape when a Bull Rancor was released. Before the Bull Rancor could attack, a large hand grabs the Bull Rancor and pulls it down to the arena's lower levels. After that, a monstrous creature of immense size and strength emerged with chains around it's neck. As it cast it's eyes on Blake and Cal, the Gorog lets out a deafening roar which sent shockwaves throughout the entire arena. In that moment, Blake and Cal found themselves face to face against the Gorog. 

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