Chapter 35

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"I thought you two were never going to come back." Kisame said as the two finally walked through the door. "I was almost certain that you would make him chase you halfway across the world like you did before we ran into you in Tea."

"You were looking for me before we met back up?" Sakura raised a brow but Itachi refused to answer. The way that he diverted his gaze gave him away.

"Anyways." Kisame interrupted deciding to cut his partner some slack. "Pein contacted me while you were out, we have a mission."

"Details?" Itachi enquired.

"Just another bounty." The large man supplied. "But I found something interesting in the latest addition of the Bingo book."

"What was that?" Sakura was curious as to what caught the blue man's eye.

"It's you kid." He chuckled in reply. "Welcome to the big leagues you finally made it in."

"Give me that." The kunoichi snatched the book away and scanned her page. They had used a photo from just after her ANBU initiation and she was standing at an angle proudly displaying her new tattoo. "They have me listed as an S-ranked rouge nin."

"Not to mention your reward is higher than even Itachi's." The large man affectionately rubbed the top of her head.

"Let me see that." Itachi gently took the book from her hands. "It is only natural that they have you listed as S-ranked, to list you as anything less would be an insult and dangerous. The good news is that your award will be doubled if you are handed in to Suna alive."

"Gaara's doing I am sure." She told him causing him a brief feeling of something that he did not like and could not define.

"Hn." The Uchiha commented. "The bad news is that you are too dangerous to be taken alive. Any hunter nin that sees you were the apprentice of a Sannin and the last jinchuriki will be more than happy to just collect the absurd amount that has been placed on your head."

"I would like to see them try." She ruffled at the thought.

"It is also likely that Pein will want you brought in sooner for fear of someone else getting to you first." Kisame said. "Your life just got a whole lot harder kid. You are not just a banished shinobi now you are a missing nin."

"Great." The pink haired woman sighed.

"Don't get so down kid you have me and Itachi here to look after you." The shark nin assured. "You'll be just fine. Isn't that right Itachi?"

"Indeed." Itachi confirmed determination in his eyes.

"We don't have to leave right away to go after our target." Kisame got a grin on his face that made Sakura a little nervous. "You know among us missing nin it is a night to celebrate when you finally make it into the book. Let's go get drunk."

"I don't think you know who you are talking to when you say that." Sakura's grin became as wicked as his own. "Tsunade didn't just teach me to fight you know."

"Bring it on kid." The large man chuckled. "I tell you what if you beat me, I will carry your pack the whole time we travel, but I win, and you carry mine."

"Deal." The kunoichi could not wait to travel without the burden of a pack.

Itachi silently followed after the pair secretly nervous for both parties. He had heard many a rumor about Lady Tsunade's drinking, and he hoped that she had not passed that trait to her protégé. Then again, he had seen Kisame drink more than he would have ever thought one could and survive. He sighed as he resigned himself to the fact that he may just have to carry at least one of them home.

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