Chapter 58

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As soon as morning light started peeking through the window Itachi knew that it was time.

"Sakura." He carefully shook her awake. "We must leave now. Kisame brought you some things."

Slowly she opened her eyes which while not as dead as they had been were still as cold as Itachi's own. She gave him a nod in reply, and he stepped into the hall to allow her some privacy. While standing guard by her door he silently prayed that she had not finally been pushed over the edge. He would love her and remain devoted to her no matter what, but he hoped that the woman he had first fallen for was not lost forever.

She finally stepped into the hall in the clothes that Kisame had purchased her. They were as close to her ANBU gear as he had been able to find. She had Deidara's cloak folded over her arm.

"Kisame forgot to get a traveling cloak." Sakura remarked.

"Hn, we shall stop to get one for you at the nearest village." Itachi assured her.

"It is fine." She started to put Deidara's cloak back on.

"No." Itachi removed his own and draped it over her shoulders before shrugging into Deidara's. There was no way he would subject her to the scum's clothing for another minute.

Sakura looked up at him for just a moment and offered him a nod before walking down the stairs.

"Hey kid." Kisame offered her a smile when she and Itachi joined him in the kitchen.

"What is our plan from here?" Sakura questioned.

"Itachi here figures we need to start hunting down Akatsuki." The large man explained.

"Perfect." The kunoichi nodded and started walking to the door.

"Wait kid I got you some food, you are going to need to replenish your chakra." Kisame called out to her.

"I don't need it." Sakura reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a bottle of soldier pills that she had left at the house before. "These are faster."

"That's not healthy you know." The shark nin would have lectured her further but the look Itachi gave him stopped him dead in his tracks. "Fine, let's get going."

The trio traveled in silence for several hours and frankly Kisame found it damn near freaky. He was used to the kunoichi breaking the silence and lightening the mood. He was not sure what all Deidara had done to fuck with her head, but he was going to make him pay for it if Itachi did not first. Finally, unable to take it any longer he broke the silence himself.

"So where are we headed first?" He asked Itachi.

"Sound." The Uchiha replied.

"What the hell is in Sound?" Kisame questioned. He had always hated that damn place.

"Hidan and Kakuzu were there collecting bounties." Itachi told him. "They should still be there."

"Going after the zombie brothers first." The large man chuckled. "I've always liked a challenge. Taking down two shinobi who can't be killed is a hell of a start."

"Abilities?" Sakura enquired after glancing at him intrigued by his comments.

"Kakuzu has four masks sewn to his back." It was Itachi who answered her. "They each contain a heart that can be used to replace his own if the need arises. It gives him a certain level of immortality. During combat he can release them to fight as separate entities and recall them at will. Each controls a different element. They must all be destroyed to bring him down."

"And Hidan?" The kunoichi asked.

"Well, you are going to have to figure out that little foul-mouthed shit for yourself." Kisame chuckled. "He is a freak of nature. You can cut his freakin head off and the damn thing still won't shut up."

"He attributes the ability to his god Jashin." Itachi interjected. "During battle use caution. If he draws your blood, he can stand in a ceremonial circle ad inflict damage to himself which will mirror on you. Being immortal it is a most dangerous ability."

Kisame was surprised when she gave a single nod without asking further questions. She was so eerily cold now that he did not know quite how to handle it. He supposed it was a protection method of sorts. It looked as though Konoha had now produced two shinobi who were perfect killing machines; no emotional baggage in sight. He could not help but to hope that over time that would change. 

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