Chapter 41

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When they departed the ship Itachi felt more rested than he had in years. He would never admit it but having the kunoichi in his arms had been his single greatest joy since leaving Konoha. He wished he could tell her how much she meant to him, but he knew that he never could. After all, feeling such as the ones he was currently trying to hold at bay for Sakura could very well be considered a weakness. Not to mention when he left her, he did not want her to be broken and alone; it would be too cruel even for a man who had murdered children in their sleep.

"This way." Kisame said drawing him from his melancholy thoughts. "My contact should have a man waiting for us in that café."

When the three entered there was only one man setting at a table in the back. Kisame led the way with Sakura after him. Itachi followed closely after her, ever alert for any possible threats. As they reached the table the Uchiha was certain that this was their man; every fiber of his being wanted to rip out his throat. When he shook Sakura's hand, he could not stop his sharingan from flaring to life. Scum like that should never touch her.

"You chose well Kisame." The slime ball whose name Itachi had missed smiled. "She is going to be exactly to Toshiro's liking. Hell, if she likes she is more than welcome to come work for us when she is done playing ninja."

"No thanks." Sakura used a tone that was as cold as the Uchiha's which stopped the man from speaking further, and Itachi from leaping over the table at him.

"She stays with us." Kisame warned in a tone letting the man know not to press his luck.

"I see." The man had a smile on his face that said he had all the wrong ideas about the kunoichi's relationship with her partners. "Well there is a room upstairs that she can use to change before you head out to catch up with the other girls."

Sakura took that as her cue to make her escape and was quick to head up the stairs. She was slightly surprised to find Itachi following in her wake.

"I can manage to change alone." She told him.

"With the possibility there could be more creeps like that lurking around." Itachi huffed his annoyance laced into his voice.

"Yuki already said that we are the only ones here." Sakura assured him.

"Who?" The Uchiha questioned.

"Were you even paying attention?" The kunoichi raised a brow as she was opening a door at the end of the hallway. "Honestly, you seemed distracted. With all that is going to be going on tonight I hope you are paying more attention later."

"I apologize." Itachi sincerely told her as he removed her silver kimono from his pack. "I promise you that I will allow no harm to come to you."

"I know you won't." Sakura gave him a reassuring smile and stepped behind a changing screen in the corner of the room. "You need to relax a little. I know this is not exactly a fun situation, but I am with two of the strongest shinobi in the world. Everything is going to be fine Itachi."

"I realize that we are three of the strongest ninjas in the world." He acknowledged. "But I will not relax until this is over."

"You think that I am one of the strongest ninjas in the world?" She asked as she stepped out from behind the screen outfitted in her disguise for the evening.

"Indeed." Was the only response that he could formulate as he was taken off guard by her appearance. Sakura was simply stunning.

"Thanks, Itachi." Sakura beamed up at him and affectionately squeezed his arm before setting down at a vanity.

The Uchiha watched as she withdrew a small red pouch from her pack and took out her hairpins. Within a matter of minutes, she had her hair expertly twisted and pulled up the dangerous yet delicate ornaments shining in their places. She then took out make up to finish her look. He thought the goop did nothing but hide her natural beauty.

The vial of poison was the last thing she grabbed. He watched as she dabbed some on her ears and her neck. He turned as she started placing some on the cleavage that the kimono revealed. If he watched her, he was certain that he would rip it from her hand and throw it out the window before leaving this godforsaken country with her, mission be damned.

"All done." She declared while tucking her things away. "In case you missed it Yuki said we can leave our things here and get them after the mission."

"Hn." Itachi left his bag and they went down to join their partner.

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